11 Results for May 2019
The biggest opera party in North America.
This new event is our first venture into Sussex, and we are delighted to hold a fair in the grounds of Petworth House, the famous National Trust property in the picturesque market town of Petworth.
+44 1797 252030
send emailSunFest is Florida’s largest waterfront music and art festival.
send emailIn the world of sports, there is not a more moving moment than when the horses step onto the track for the Kentucky Derby post parade and the band strikes up “My Old Kentucky Home.”
For nearly 83 years, the Festival of Nations has inspired people throughout the region to discover more about our world and embrace the rich cultural diversity brought to us by immigrants from around the globe.
This horse race is the second leg of the famous triple crown: the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont. There is a full week of outstanding entertainment leading up to the main event. Come out and get into the excitement.
The night kicks off with a VIP cocktail reception at the stunning Bloor Hot Docs Cinema, followed by the opening night screening. The celebration continues at the Royal Ontario Museum’s exquisite Samuel Hall Currelly Gallery.
Spectators will see reining, spins, sliding stops, elegant dressage moves choreographed to music, daredevil show jumping, trick riders, comedy acts, thrills and spills, among many other exciting events. The competition for prize money is fierce!
Foley is the spot for high-flying adventure and family fun at the Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival.
The festival is a celebration of history, heritage, culture and the arts -- a blend of traditions and contemporary events that brings people to Delaware from all over the Mid-Atlantic Region.