6 Results
SUN 'n FUN’s Mission is to preserve and enhance the future of flight through world class events, inspiring and educating people of all ages!
send emailFall Florida Carlisle – a collector and classic car swap meet, car corral and auction.
Prepare Thyself for a Non-Stop, Day-Long Adventure!
Forget your cares and step back in time to this 30-acre re-created 16th Century English village and enjoy over 400 years of fun in a single day!
The Lakeland Auto Show & Lake Mirror Concours is a wonderful display of more than 750 show vehicles surrounding the restored, 1920’s art deco-inspired Lake Mirror Promenade in Downtown Lakeland.
1-863- 683-2228
Winter AutoFest signifies the start of Carlisle's year long event schedule and provides the first shopping and buying opportunities for thousands of collector and classic automotive enthusiasts.
A fest above the rest where you can escape your everyday life and live out your Fantasies! Multiple events every day ranging from costume contests, street fairs with food & art, theme parties, fundraisers and a parade like you've never seen.
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