7 Results
In October sailors from around the globe gather on miles of docks in historic Annapolis for the United States Sailboat Show. This internationally acclaimed sailboat show is the largest and oldest in-water sailboat show in the world.
Every October boaters from around the world gather in the historic seaport of Annapolis, Maryland for the United States Powerboat Show. In its 43rd year, this is the world's oldest in-water powerboat show.
Award-winning James Beard Foundation Chefs offer the ultimate culinary tour de force at Hilton Head Island's Out of the Ocean Celebrity Chef Tour Dinner.
Known best for its white sandy beaches and, what seems like, its infinite number of golf courses, its something else that takes center stage on the tranquil barrier island Halloween weekend - world class automobiles.
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Patrons are welcomed to wear costumes suitable for a family-friendly atmosphere to get into the spirit of the event!
TASTE is what it is all about this fall at the 2015 TASTE Philadelphia Festival of Food, Wine and Spirits, presented by Gourmet Shows and being held at the Valley Forge Casino Resort.
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