3 Essential Steps to Buy Your First Plane


When you decide to buy your first plane, you should be excited for it. It’s not often someone gets to be in this position, after all. You’ll already know it’s a big step to take, and quite a large purchase. It’s worth making sure you’re prepared for it.

Don’t just go out and buy the first one you come across, though. Take the time to make sure it’s the right plane for you, as well as making sure you’ve taken all of the necessary steps. Some of these are more vital to the process than you’d expect, making it paramount you focus on them.

Buy Your First Plane: 3 Essential Steps

1. Focus on Your Needs First

You’ll have wants and needs when you’re buying a plane. As obvious as this is, many people don’t separate the two. It’s always worth splitting them into the distinct categories they are to help make the process a lot easier.

Focusing on your needs first is a large part of this. After that, you’re free to focus on wants.

By knowing your needs, you make sure you buy a plane that actually meets them. They’ll be your minimum requirements and should be met. Use them to narrow down your options, and then use your wants to narrow them down even further.

2. Sort Out Financing

Buying your first plane will be expensive, and it’s not uncommon to need some kind of financing to afford it. Put some time and effort into figuring out this side before making any steps to find the plane you want.

Getting pre-approved for your financing could save you from a few headaches later on. You’ll have your funding secured, so you know what you can spend.

Going with the right lenders is also a key part of this. Some will offer much better terms than others, making them a more appealing option. Ones like The Aircraft Lenders can be worth looking into.

3. Get It Inspected

If there’s anything wrong with the plane you buy, it could end in disaster. You could end up being in the air when a problem pops up, which everyone wants to avoid. Take the steps to avoid this.

While brand new planes shouldn’t have any problems, there’s a little more to worry about with other options.

Before agreeing to buy, get the plane inspected for any potential problems. This tells you exactly what kind of shape the plane is in. You’ll have greater peace of mind, and you’ll avoid any major problems relatively quickly.

Buy Your First Plane: Wrapping Up

When you’re going to buy your first plane, you’ll want to make sure it’s the right one for you. As excited as you’ll be, though, it’s not something you should rush into. You’ll want it to be the perfect one for you so you don’t have any regrets.

Taking the right steps ahead of time makes sure that happens. You shouldn’t have anything to worry about once you finally take the plunge on your purchase.