3 Essential Steps to Choosing the Best Property Investment Seminars

02/12/2020 by

When it comes to property investment, there are too many things to learn. And learning through the right platform with the right mentors makes a significant difference in becoming a successful property investor.

While there are plenty of property seminars nowadays, be it free or paid, not all can deliver their promise in giving you valuable knowledge on how to build wealth the right way through property investment. So before signing up on any seminars that pop up on your social media feeds now and then, you need to do your homework to choose the best property seminars in the industry. Here are three essential steps you need to take to pick the best property investment seminar.


Step 1: Research on the seminar providers

When selecting a property seminar, aspiring property investors need to run a background check on the seminar providers. Some factors they may need to consider include:

●       Experience: Property investors need to ensure the seminar providers walk the talk with years of experience within the field.

●       Up-to-date: The industry is continually changing. While some investing methods may still be effective today, others may be utterly useless. So property investors need to make sure the seminar offers up-to-date training that still works in current times.

●       Testimonial: What people said about the providers portrayed the reliability and reputation of the latter. Investors can quickly check on testimonials or review by heading over to the company’s official website or skimming through relevant property forums. Investors can also try to reach out to the previous participants of the seminars directly and ask for their experience and advice.

       Success rate: Results say it all. While no seminars can have a 100% success rate since the results are highly dependent on the students’ diligence, workshops with at least a higher success rate than others with some proof that the training works can be a valuable deciding factor when choosing a seminar.

●       Chemistry: While this factor can be subjective, good chemistry between the investors and the seminar providers ensures a long-lasting collaboration and may inspire the former for better success.


Step 2: Know your topic

Not all seminars are created equal. Aspiring property investors need to look into the key issues the seminar may discuss. Some common topics within the industry may include:

●       Goal setting

●       Property investment basic principles

●       How can history be the best teacher?

●       Property investment as a business

●       Is property investing lucrative?

●       Property selection

●       Strategy development and application of sound business principles

●       Money mastery

●       First home buyers guides

●       Balancing cash flow


Investors should take time to take a peek at the type of topics the property seminars provide and decide whether the subjects fit their needs at the moment.


Step 3: Know your mentor

Although the seminar provider may come from a reputable company with many experts in the field, this does not mean that the speaker or mentor during the seminar shares the same track records. So investors need to check on the speaker for the workshop and ensure they have the necessary expertise with proven particulars.

Choosing the right property seminars among the crowd can be quite challenging. But the lucrative income you may be able to achieve just from a single effective workshop makes the time and effort you spent on searching for the best property seminar worth it.