4 Most Interesting Branches of Law


If you feel attracted to the law and the world of lawyers, you likely know that in Law there are many branches, to the point that the discipline participates in every substratum of our society.

While this is exciting, it can also become overwhelming when we are trying to make decisions regarding our professional future.

To make your search a little easier, we decided to share which are the most interesting branches of law that exist.

Why is it essential to know the different branches of Law?

The legal part plays an important role in everyone's life. Whether for family, criminal, administrative, or commercial issues, we all live in relation to the Law and it is convenient for each of us to know a little about the rights and obligations that we have.

Even within a branch, many things make you have to participate in the dynamics of other similar ones. As in the case of Tax Law, which can also get involved with Criminal Law in case of heavy penalties, or with Corporate Law.

The attorneys general are lagging. Now what you are looking for is experts in specific areas, such as criminal, administrative, corporate, family, and so on.

But that, far from being a problem for lawyers, is wonderful, because they can focus squarely on the specific part of the law that they like the most. To try out how it feels to be a criminal lawyer or an expert in family law, you can complete a certain course. Australian residents can do government-funded courses of law that are available. This could be a solution if you can’t decide yet.

The 4 most interesting branches of Law

Now that we have established the importance of knowing the branches of Law and how this variety ends up favoring lawyers, it is time to mention the top 4 of the most interesting branches that this career offers.


Civil law

This branch regulates the relationship of individuals with the State. Do you remember that before we mentioned that Civil Law is the “birth of rights”? Well, that is precisely because it covers the entire life of the person, from the moment he is born until he dies.

Many branches of Law were born from Civil Law, as is the case of the commercial, family, and intellectual property law branches.


Family right

This branch of Law is the one that regulates personal relationships with our most immediate and loved ones.

Family Law talks about the obligations that parents and children carry and even those that come after the age of 18. This branch establishes the relationships between the family and manages the conditions of the couple, such as concubinage and marriage, which can continue even after death.

That is why it is so interesting to study this branch! Because it encompasses the entire life of the family, the most important institution in our society!


Labor Law

This is a branch that has earned its existence with blood. We are talking about some of the rights that have been violated more frequently in history.

Labor Law is an extremely important and necessary branch. It is essential both for the person who works and for the person who gives the job.

Lawyers working in this area they can make major changes in society. That is why it is so exciting!


Criminal law

When we speak of Criminal Law, we refer to the branch that regulates the relationship between the accused and the victim. If you have seen a movie about lawyers, it is most likely that this branch has participated directly in the plot.

One of the most fascinating things about Criminal Law is that it is changeable. To date, we are trying to understand it.

And how could it be otherwise? It is incredibly complex! By itself, it usually has several actors, such as:

  • the victim;
  • police;
  • the perpetrator;
  • Judge;
  • the legal advisor, etc;


There is a complex and interesting process that can take a lifetime — or longer — to fully learn.

In addition, we must not forget that in Criminal Law the freedom of the person is also at stake. Before the fundamental concepts of this branch existed, the accused was considered guilty before the opposite was proven, but now the laws protect him as well.

It is the most direct way to deliver justice in complex and delicate situations. That is why it is included here!



And that's it! You already know the 4 most interesting branches of Law! Of course, we have to emphasize that this does not mean that there are not other incredible ones that may be ideal for you. As we discussed before, there is one for every type of lawyer!