4 Signs When to Schedule a Pest Inspection for Your New Home


Buying a home and moving into it is a dream of the majority of people. When we talk about moving to a new home, so many responsibilities start revolving around you – such as maintenance, cleaning, and repairs. 

Several new homes don’t necessitate repairs initially, but they do require maintenance checks; one of them is a pest inspection. 

In this informative blog post, we’ll shed light on the major question: when do you need to schedule a pest inspection for your home? To find out its answer, continue to read on…


Sign #1 – When The Seller Doesn’t Offer Pest Inspection 

Many sellers offer the convenience of a pest inspection to potential buyers. However, in some cases, this crucial step is overlooked. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s essential to take matters into your own hands and arrange a pest inspection before you commit to the purchase. 

As a Melbourne resident, if you are facing the same issue, you need to look for the top-rated pest and building inspection services in Melbourne before you move in. 

No one wants to move into an infested home with undesired guests. However, once you move into an infested home, you need to evacuate from it for just a few days to get your home fumigated. 


Sign #2 – When The Seller’s Pest Inspection Report is Incorrect

Some home sellers offer you an incorrect pest inspection report. That’s why you must double-check the home before relocation. Who they hired and when they arrived matters a lot – until you get to know, pests can enter your home. 

Be sure to open cabinets, look for cracks or holes around your desired home, and identify exterior problems so that you can target pest problems. Focus on any problems you find, and if there are a lot of structural damages in your house, talk to the pesticide expert immediately.


Sign #3 – When You Notice Other Indications of the Pests Infestation

The final inspection should be done physically within and around the house with the aim of establishing the presence of pests. As small as they are, they can get into the tiniest spaces of the house. 

Sometimes, people discover that they have a pest issue if they find shredding paper, rodent or insect droppings, dead insects, foul odors, and hatched insect eggs. You should, therefore, consult a pest control service immediately after you notice the infestation.


Sign #4 – One Week Before You Move into Your Desired Home

If you are still trying to decide if you have pests around, then it is recommended to set a pest inspection at least one week before the move so that your pest control service can be able to inspect your home and spray if there are pests. 

It is advisable to wait for a few days after the fumigation process is complete to air out toxic chemicals in the house. Rest assured, this process is highly effective in eliminating pests. A week also allows one an opportunity to clear off any dead insects or rodents, had there been any around the areas where the plants were placed.