5 Benefits of Getting Your Teeth Straightened


There are numerous issues associated with misaligned teeth, ranging from problems chewing and sleeping to poor oral hygiene. Many people have misaligned teeth to a certain degree and because it impacts their lives, a sizable number look to have their teeth aligned. Although teeth straightening was considered a procedure for children and teens, adults have embraced it. To understand why, here are five benefits of getting your teeth straightened.

Better Oral Health

A challenge those with misaligned teeth have is cleaning their teeth properly and thoroughly. The reason is that crowded and crooked teeth form pockets where food and other particles can hide. These pockets are hard to reach with a toothbrush, and mouthwash can only do so much in such cases. Plaque can then accumulate in these pockets, leading to bacteria growth and an array of other dental issues such as tooth decay and bleeding.

On the other hand, straight teeth are easier to clean. The bristles of the toothbrush can reach the gaps between the teeth easily, leaving no particles and eliminating the potential for bacterial growth. Teeth alignment can therefore prevent tooth decay, periodontitis, and bad breath, all of which stem from not being able to clean the teeth thoroughly.

Self-esteem Improvements

About 40% of adults around the world say they smile less often because they do not like how their teeth look. Once you have these feelings, you may not have an overall positive view of your appearance which manifests as self-esteem issues. Also, it becomes much harder to build personal or professional relationships if you do not like how you look.

Teeth straightening can correct this and leave you feeling a lot better about your appearance. A better smile can help you form new partnerships, improve current relationships, and even help your career.

Those interested in straightening their teeth to improve their self esteem should consider clear aligners as an option for teeth straightening. These are often cheaper and less invasive than traditional braces. Consult this resource for a list of the easiest at home teeth aligners available on the market.   

Improvements in Chewing and Talking

Chewing has a profound effect on our health and speaking impacts our lives in important but different ways. If you are unable to chew your food completely, you are not able to get the most out of this food. The inability to chew properly is typically caused by issues like under, over, and crossbite, which makes it harder to bring your teeth together, and this is essential for proper chewing. If the upper and lower jaws do not come together properly, you may also have issues talking, which can impact both your personal and professional life.

Fortunately, teeth straightening can help resolve the underlying issues causing the chewing and speaking issues. Braces are a convenient option, with companies like ALIGNERCO producing invisible brace packages for those who like to keep teeth straightening discreet. ALIGNERCO’s invisible aligners are an affordable teeth straightening option that are created with the help of professionals. ALIGNERCO also has night-only aligners which are only worn at night. To see what else they offer, you can check out the whole range of options you have when it comes to braces. They also have a range of retainers to help keep your teeth straight after completing the alignment process.

Straight Teeth Help You Avoid Serious Conditions

One of the biggest studies to come out of the University of Helsinki is one looking at the relationship or connection between oral health and heart disease. The study found there is an increased risk of coronary disease if there is an infection in your teeth. These infections often come from bacteria that grow because of poor oral hygiene. Straight teeth are easier to clean as discussed above and keep bacteria away from your gums. This means there is a direct relationship between teeth straightening, oral hygiene, and coronary disease.

Another study found that the risk of lung cancer increases by about 24 times in those who have had severe periodontitis. With teeth straightening helping prevent periodontitis, it reduces the risk of this serious condition.

It Can Reduce Jaw Strain and Pain

Misaligned teeth cause you to alter your jaw when chewing or eating which makes it difficult to chew or speak as discussed above. What you may not know is that doing so can put a lot of strain on the gum tissues and jaws, as well as the muscles that support this bone. The strain manifests as a slight head or earache at first. However, it can develop into neck and shoulder pain and problems sleeping. Once your teeth are aligned properly, you can achieve natural jaw movement. This natural movement relieves the strain on your jaw and related muscles, thus helping eliminate these issues.

Teeth alignment can seem like an unnecessary procedure, especially in those who are yet to experience pain and other issues associated with misaligned teeth. It is a good idea to talk to a dentist to see if you are a candidate for teeth alignment. This is especially important if you have any issues chewing, talking, or sleeping, or have headaches, earaches, or pain in your neck and shoulder.