5 Key Considerations When Renovating an Older Property


Home renovation projects for older homes, whether you have bought a property specifically for this purpose or are looking to maintain, improve or modernize your family home, take considerable planning and a sizeable budget.

Here are five key considerations when renovating an older home to help you make the right decisions for you and your property.

1.   Highlight Your Property’s Unique Quirks

Instead of trying to cover up or diminish your building’s unusual accents and quirks, you should instead strive to embrace what makes your home different and unique by highlighting such features and imperfections.

Perhaps there is ornate detailing at the top of each door on the ground floor? Instead of looking to re-plaster the space or file down the raised curves, give the whole area a deep clean and embrace this funky addition to your rooms.

2.   Prioritize any Water Damage (However Small)

No doubt you will already be fully aware of the supreme damage a neglected area of moisture, damp, or mold can cause, especially in an older property where there are significantly more hidden nooks and crannies.

You and the other members of your home renovation team need to prioritize even the tiniest sign of water damage, be that within a functional room, or else in the attic space or outhouses. Water damage is the most serious element threatening a safe and successful renovation of an older home.

3.   Choose the Right Roofing Material

There are, as you might expect, a wide range of roofing materials to choose from when designing or renovating a property from the ground up, and when it comes to residential roofing, the following six roofing types are the most popular throughout the US:

  • Asphalt Shingles
  • Solar Panels
  • Metal Roofing
  • S-Tile or 2 Piece Clay Tile Shingles
  • Fiberglass Shingles
  • Slate

4.   Always Honor the History of Your Home

If you have the luxury of time and, indeed, the freedom to work at your own pace when renovating your older home, it is most definitely worth looking at the archaeological and architectural background of the building and, if you can, finding out everything you can regarding prior renovations.

As gentrification is a movement seemingly constantly gaining momentum and popularity, it is more important than ever to preserve the traditions and stories preserved so beautifully in older properties. Or, at the very least, to manage luxurious additions such as Multi Slide Patio Doors that fit with the wider trimmings of the property.

5.   Never Underestimate the Power of Paint

The fifth and final consideration when planning the partial or either complete renovation of your older home, is to start by simply painting each wall in a fresh, new, and aesthetically appealing color and tone.

Not only does paint add a strong element of color, when renovating, but it can also create a calming atmosphere in a bedroom, whereas an active and lively ambiance in the living room.

Additional benefits of nipping down to your local hardware store and bringing home a couple of new tins of paint include the ability to highlight a certain corner of a room, amplify the volume of light and space, and even serve to make the room appear larger than it is.