5 Lifestyle Apps to Improve the Quality of Your Life


Life with the internet and technology actually gets a lot simpler, at least in theory. If you want something out of your fast-paced life, there is possibly already an application that can assist you with that. However new, state-of-the-art apps pop up on App Store as well as Google Play Store every now and then, so how exactly do you know which applications are really capable of your time?

In this article, we will be sharing some of the best lifestyle applications that possess the ability to enhance the quality of your life and make it worth living. These apps will help you enhance your productivity, reduce stress, incorporate peace, and bring relaxation into your life.

However, before you go ahead and explore these apps in detail, make sure that you have access to a speedy internet connection that can help you use these apps smoothly without any interruptions. If you are looking for one then we would suggest you sign up with Spectrum Internet español (for Latin Americans), which is not only fast but also, saves you from the hassle of contracts. Once you are well-equipped to use these apps, you can go ahead and download the ones that intrigue you the most.

  1. Hold-Technology Tamed

Hold is an amazing app that essentially assists you in claiming back your precious time. If you feel like you overthink a lot and spend a lot of time scrolling through social media and just generally spending your time on your phone, then this is the perfect app for you.

How does the app work? The process is simple, you simply switch on the app and for every thirty minutes not using the phone, you end up scoring a point, which by the way can be easily exchanged for hot chocolate, coffee, snacks, physical products, cinema tickets, etc. How exciting is that? Cherry on top, the application is effectively locked between 2 am and 7 am to encourage you to get the right amount of sleep and to diligently work at healthy times.

  1. A Soft Murmur

A Soft Murmur is a highly personalized application that is pro at playing serene, ambient noises. This is particularly convenient for either contemplation or to help focus on a very significant task. You’ll be surprised to know that the app also helps you calm down particularly when you’re feeling super anxious or overwhelmed.

There essentially are around fifteen different peaceful sounds that you can play based on your preference of course (sounds of rain, cool breeze, wind, birds, coffee shop, etc.). In addition to this, you can easily adjust the strength of the sounds based on your taste and liking.

  1. Loop-Habit Tracker

Loop is an easy-to-use app that helps you track your positive deeds and assists you in adopting great habits. Using this application, you can easily set a task that you want to complete daily, add in a specific time, and then the application will automatically set an alarm or simply notify you to complete the set task.

After you are done with the task, you can easily check it off on a comprehensive checklist, which allows you to monitor your daily activities using a graph and a thorough color-coded system. You can even add simple tasks to this app like drinking seven glasses of water, practicing yoga, cleaning, cooking, etc.

  1. Samsung Health

Samsung Health is an app for everyday use. Using this app, you can easily track your weight, your sleep pattern, your heart rate, stress levels, calorie count, step count, water intake, etc. With the help of this app, you can also participate in monthly and weekly fitness contests against other proficient users of this app.

Cherry on top, you can also include friends and vigorously compete against them. Seeing your calorie and step count etc. motivates you to do better and being able to compete against other users will eventually bless you with the power to stay healthy and get out more.

  1. Amazon Kindle

Amazon Kindle is an amazing application that you can essentially use to read a huge variety of interesting e-books. These books can be textbooks, recipe books, novels, guides, etc. You’ll be delighted to know that Kindle actually has several classics that essentially are completely free, so you can easily use this app on the commute to and from work to read the amazing novels on your read list.

Using this app, you can also highlight the passages that really intrigue you and save them in a separate folder. So if you really want to improve your reading and writing skills and want to keep your brain active, then simply download this app and have a fun, reading time.

Final Words

We hope the five best lifestyle apps that we have mentioned above will help you improve the quality of your life. Good luck!