5 Luxury Vapes You Have To See


When Mr. Han Li invented e-cigarette, in the year 2003, it was probably impossible to predict how or if this new invention will have any future at all. Back then, it was still a world of tobacco and smoking was allowed in public and in workplaces. Surprisingly, it took only seven or eight years for vaping to evolve from patent to a mainstream thing first, and then even to a matter of prestige and fashion.

After the year 2010, the vaping industry exploded and rapidly modified its appearance. Although simple e-cig still presents the ultimate vaping symbol, devices have changed and developed to more complex vaporizers as a result of attempts to create enhanced models, with more power and efficiency and with a trendy and luxurious look.

Products became not only larger than the previous ones but better equipped and with more options. There are already 3 generations of vaping equipment and with each generation, manufacturers have taken the vaping game to another level.  Today, it is possible to buy rechargeable, easily portable devices, with longer battery life, available in several different forms such as pens, sticks, hookahs, desktop vaporizers, or the third-generation products also known as mod kits. The last type of devices is created mainly for people who are interested in customizing and personalizing their vaping experience.


2019 hottest vaping trends

In the year 2019, manufacturers already offered some of the best new vaporizers (https://vapingdaily.com/vaporizers/ find this), classified as high-end, with a unique, playful look, and more durable performance. One year after increased flexibility vape kits became a trend they are still a thing, while pod kits which were once compatible only with certain vape juices, can work with nearly any flavor available on the market. They are also compatible with atomizers for full customization.

Vaping is not popular only because it’s the most favorite way of transition from smoking to non-smoking but also because it can be discreet and private or modern and presentable at the same time. The fashionable part came with advanced features such as digital displays, temperature setting control, higher wattage, and similar. Of course, the amplified power of enhanced vaporizers demanded a sophisticated look that goes well with it, for those who like to get noticed for their vaping equipment choice.

The idea of setting your favorite herbal vaporizer with voice commands might sound like a good joke, but the most expensive one already have this option. They have software with various programs and LCD touchscreen, same as your mobile phone. The gold, rare, expensive wood, and diamond casing models are made for vapers who want to make the value of their equipment visible or simply a style statement. These products have an extravagant, luxurious look and their price is reserved for people who like this kind of life accessories.


5 most expensive vaporizers in the world

While some people would rather buy an expensive car, jewelry or watch, others will spend an amount extremely large for most of us, on vaping equipment. It is an individual choice and a matter of preference. For those vapers who like their device enough to make it an investment, here are few most costly models available in the world.

Currently, the most expensive vape mode, which is not a part of general public production, is Sofia model purchased as a gift for over $800,000 from Shisha Sticks company. It’s one of a kind vape stick; a custom made commissioned piece covered with more than 200 diamonds and other precious stones and with pure gold button. Despite the opinions that each of us might have about this gift, we have to admit it is an unusual and certainly unique one for sure.

If there is someone out there who was wondering if 3D printers can print casing for vape mode, the SX350J E-cigarettes proofed that it’s quite possible. This is an extremely robust model, equipped with the best batteries in the world and available for $109,000 per piece. This product is also proof that modern technology, such as 3D printing, was not meant to be used only for making more affordable things. Or, maybe this is just a case of an idea gone wrong? Whatever the case may be, this is a favorite model for many music celebrities and actors.

The company Top Hat Mods has several standard vape mods, offered in the shops at more than reasonable price. However, they decided to make a luxurious version of their product with more or less the same performances but with a different, one of a kind, rare design made from titanium and expensive wood. Although this model has some special, expensive coils, long-lasting batteries, and sophisticated technology for the best vaping experience, some people think that $10,000 could be a little bit too high price for this product. Luckily for the company, there are people who don’t mind the price at all.

For Mr.Otto Carter and his vape mod, admirers think that it’s more like a piece of art than a device. This breathtaking masterpiece was designed by an engraver of firearms, from several precious metals. Every piece is customized and handmade, for a price of approximately $3,000. For those who respect Mr.Carter’s work, this is a one of a kind opportunity to use his creation to enjoy their everyday indulgement.

Same as previous, Gepetto Elite V2 Vape Mod is also handmade. The creators are known to be the first one who made customized vape mods available for mass production. The reason why the price goes between $2,000 and $2,500 is that every case is made from some type of unique and rare wood. People who use this product claim that every puff makes them feel special and different.

Although most of these products cannot be found in the nearest vaping shop, you can pick one up at 180 Smoke as an alternative. It’s interesting to see vaping industry at work, developing and spreading the range of products in order to cover every single group of potential customers. The variety of brands and prices means that those who have chosen to vape have a lot of options available. It doesn’t matter is it e-liquid based vaping, or you prefer to use standard herb vaporizer. The point is to choose wisely and find a product with the best price and quality ratio, based on personal standards.

you can pick one up at 180 Smoke as an alternative.