5 Practical Tips for Young Men to Maintain Strong Mental Health


Boys, from a young age, are taught to be masculine and self-reliant. As they grow older and turn into young men, they often suppress their emotions because they feel the need to conform to toxic social norms. However, talking about your mental health is important because young men suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues like everyone else. 

This demographic routinely faces stress related to career expectations, financial instability, education, competition, and more. So, if you are a young man or know one, it is important to talk about this problem. Raising awareness and educating yourself about men’s mental health is the first step. The second is to seek help. Thankfully, increasing compassion and focus on this issue has opened opportunities for medical assistance. As a young man, you can consult empathetic healthcare providers offering mental health treatment for men

You can also follow these 5 practical tips to maintain strong mental health generally.

1.  Recognize Signs of Poor Mental Health

If caring for your mental health is something new, recognizing signs of struggle is the first step. Contrary to popular belief, sadness and stress are not the only indicators of poor mental health. They can also manifest in the following ways.

  • Lack of focus 
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Changes in sleep timing or quality
  • Increased or decreased appetite
  • Low energy levels
  • Extreme mood changes


2.  Don’t Dismiss Your Emotions

Feeling burnt-out or unhappy is common among men who don’t validate their emotions. You are not a robot and shouldn’t function on autopilot to get through your day. Whether you are feeling tired, angry, irritated, unsatisfied, or any other negative emotion, validate your emotions. Find positive ways to express your emotions, and remember that expressing yourself is good.

3.  Create a Support System

No man is an island, but if you are living like one, you can suffer more than you must. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify your support system and share your feelings. Ask yourself who you can talk to without feeling judged or who has been there for you during tough times. Look at family members, friends, colleagues, and others who helped you when you were down. In case you don’t have a support system, create one by joining groups or online forums specifically for men’s mental health. 

4.  Socialize and Make Time for People in Your Life

A demanding job, studies, caregiver responsibilities, and other commitments can take up a lot of your time. While focusing on your responsibilities is essential, neglecting people in your life and isolating yourself is not good. Humans are social beings, and they thrive when they connect and interact with each other. Therefore, create a balance between your responsibilities and your family and friends.

5.  Don’t Turn to Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

How do you relax or unwind when you feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed? Do you turn to sports or spend time with your loved ones? Or do you turn to unhealthy habits like drinking alcohol? Understanding how you cope with mental health issues is vital because when you escape your reality using bad habits, it deteriorates your well-being. Thus, identify if you are using the following ways to cope and take active actions not to.

  • Engaging in substance abuse
  • Making impulsive purchases or behaviors
  • Gambling
  • Spending excessive time on social media
  • Exercising too much

Excessive indulgence in any habit is unhealthy because too much of anything is bad. Thus, identify your poor coping mechanisms and gradually limit them to get out of the loop of turning to them whenever you are stressed.


As a young man, you can have multiple things to manage, and they can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. If you feel you need help, don’t hesitate to ask for help from family, friends, or a professional. Additionally, incorporate these 5 practical tips to build a stronger mind and keep yourself and others around you happier.