5 Reasons You’re Sick All the Time


If you feel like you're battling colds all the time, then this can be frustrating. Not only do you feel a lack of energy, but it can be hard to be productive, and even sleep. Being sick all the time is not enjoyable by any means. To help you find the road to recovery, it's important that you understand the reasons behind your illness. Here are some of the potential reasons you might be getting sick and what you can do to get better.

You Have a Weakened Immune System

It's possible that you have a weaker immune system than the average person despite having access to drugs and medicine.  Nothing seems to fix the problem because your body is simply too weak to ward off infection.  One of the most practical ways to strengthen your immune system is by eating a nutritious diet, and also getting enough rest.

Lastly, try to avoid stress as much as possible. High levels of stress can significantly impair your Ability to heal.

Poor Hygiene

Poor hygiene isn't just disgusting. It can actually make you sick! It's important that you get all of the bacteria off of your body before touching your face or putting your hands in your mouth. If you're failing to do this, then it's no wonder why you're getting sick! Wash your hands as much as possible, sanitize and disinfect commonly used surfaces in your house, and avoid touching your face as much as possible.

Exposure to Toxins

You might be surprised to find that exposure to certain toxins can be making you sick. Do you use certain household products that may be harming you? Perhaps breathing them in is making you ill and you don't even realize it. It's important that you are extremely mindful of all of the products you use on a regular basis and also at work.

Make sure you follow all safety protocols, and wear protective gear when necessary. While you're at it, consider using air purifiers in your home and notice if it makes the difference in your health.


Sometimes the reason we're getting sick comes down to lifestyle factors. Are you lacking enough physical activity? Perhaps you're not sleeping enough and going out all the time. Do you drink enough water? Are you drinking a significant amount of alcohol and smoking? Take an inventory of your habits and be honest with yourself.

If your lifestyle is anything but healthy, then how can you expect to be healthy? Leading a healthy lifestyle will give you more energy, and increase your ability to shake off bugs when they come your way.

Medical Condition

In some cases, an underlying medical condition may be the cause of your illness. In which case, it's important that you identify it. Maybe it's as simple as an allergy, however, maybe you have an autoimmune disorder. If so, it's important that you see a doctor immediately and work towards a cure. You don't have to live in suffering when there may be a solution available.