5 Top Tips for Starting a Luxury Fashion Label


The world of fashion is constantly changing, and new labels are surfacing all the time. With a world full of luxury brands, and constantly changing trends, do you think you could have a shot at creating a high brow fashion label with a difference?

If you think you could be the next Coco Chanel, Alexander McQueen or Christian Dior, here are five top tips for starting your dream luxury fashion label.

1.      Create Your Logo

Every fashion designer has a distinctive logo that is often incorporated into their label designs, and will be an important part of your brand identity.

To design your logo, you can use creative tools like Photoshop. Its wide array of tools enable you to design on any device, whether it’s a tablet or computer, the possibilities are endless!

2.      Source Your Material

The quality of your material is the difference between a trusted luxury brand and a low quality cheaper brand. However, sustainability and ethics are understandable very large current issues in the fashion industry.

By sourcing your material from high quality recycled origins, you can give life to fabric that would have otherwise ended up in landfill. Companies like Eva Re-Source supply deadstock fabric to designers who want to utilise high quality recycled material in their products.

3.      Study A Business Degree

A business degree will help to give you an essential leg-up ahead of your competitors by teaching you how to navigate the business world with ease.

Educational providers like Signum Magnum College offer a range of courses aimed at high achieving business professionals who want to improve their business skills.

Whether you’re a complete beginner and want to start afresh with a Bachelors, or perhaps you’re already a seasoned professional and want to up your game with a Doctorate? The choice is yours.

4.      Research Your Target Market

Every brand has a target market, and understanding how your target market is likely to respond to your designs will be a dealbreaker for your label.

Don’t forget to conduct valuable research into your demographic, so you can glean some valuable feedback from your customers about parts of your fashion label that work well, versus the parts that don’t.

Using this information is a great opportunity to continue the development of your luxury fashion business, and to give your customers exactly what they’re looking for from you.

5.      Advertise Your Brand

Advertising your brand will give it essential publicity, and place it within reaching distance of your customers. Use social media, magazine shoots and your website to really help your brand lift off.

Social media in particular is a great form of advertising, as posts can easily go viral in response to interactions from users, and trends can quickly change, giving your label room to become big very quickly.

If you have the budget for it, hiring celebrities to wear your clothes for important events and shoots can give your label the priceless publicity to create the luxury feel that you want your brand to emanate.

Do you dream of starting your own luxury fashion label? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!