9 interesting facts that every tea lover should know


Tea is one of the most consumed beverages by millions of people globally. There are well over 3000 varieties of tea globally. Each of these varieties of tea has a distinctive characteristic. Each type of tea's flavor profile and chemical properties are different, making it unique. 

For even more unique tastes and benefits, you can enjoy a blend of different tea, like herbal wellness tea. Learning new things about tea will be fascinating if you're a tea lover. We've included 9 interesting facts about tea below to tickle your fancy. 

1.   Tea is less likely to cause a caffeine crash. 

Many people indulge in coffee because of the caffeine, which keeps them stimulated and active in the morning. A lot of people often start their day with a cup of coffee. Sadly, people who drink coffee suffer from a caffeine crash, which leaves them feeling more exhausted and burnout after a couple of hours. But with a cup of herbal wellness tea, you can avoid the effect of coffee's caffeine crash and still get the same, if not better, energizing properties. 

2.   Tea is rich in polyphenols. 

Polyphenols are antioxidants that help the body rebuild and repair cells. Did you know teas are rich in essential polyphenols? The polyphenols in a herbal wellness tea are predominant in the flavonoids. And contrary to what many may think, green tea isn't the only tea rich in polyphenols. Other teas like black tea, red tea, white tea, and even herbal wellness tea are also rich in polyphenols and flavonoids. As a rule of thumb, the stronger the aroma of a tea, the more polyphenols it has. 

3.   It takes over 2000 leaves to produce a pound of tea. 

Have you ever wondered how many leaves it takes to make herbal wellness tea? If you have, you're not alone, as many enthusiasts have pondered this question and set out on a quest for answers. Based on many statistics, it takes up to 2000 tiny leaves to produce a pound of tea. This figure may have you wondering if drinking tea affects nature, but the opposite is true. Many teas grow wild in some parts of Asia. And predominantly, most herbal wellness teas are farmed at high elevations and hand-picked.   

4.   Timing is crucial to brewing the perfect cup of tea. 

Another fun fact about tea is that the brewing must be correct to get the perfect cup of tea. This means that the ratio of water to tea, brewing temperature, and timing must be perfect. Many tea lovers often make the mistake of brewing too short or brewing too long. If you brew too short, the tea won't get enough aroma and taste; if you brew too long, you will get a burnt-like flavor. The perfect brew time for black tea is anywhere between 3 and 5 minutes. Other herbal wellness teas have their ideal brew timing, so take note.  

5.   The first tea bags were developed in the US. 

Traditionally, tea leaves were steeped directly in water, brewed, and filtered. But in 1908, tea bags were invented. Interestingly, tea bags were invented accidentally. A merchant in New York sent tea in silk bags to restaurants around the city. Unknowingly, they brewed the tea with silk bags to save time. And with time, this method of brewing herbal tea soon caught on and became preferred by many.

6.   All Chinese tea was green until the 17th century. 

Green tea is well-known in China. This is because China predominantly had only green tea until the 17th century. But as foreign trade increased, Chinese tea farmers found new ways to preserve the tea leaves through a unique fermentation process. This is how the black tea trade came to China; soon enough, other tea gained ground. 

7.   Don't store tea near coffee or spices. 

Tea lovers often store herbal wellness tea and other types of tea in a cupboard with other beverages and spices. If you do this, you should stop, as this method of storing tea can alter the aroma of your tea. Particularly, if you store coffee and other spices like coriander, it can alter the taste and aroma of tea. 

8.   Darjeeling is grown at the foot of the Himalayas in India

Darjeeling's tea is a well-known tea grown in the Darjeeling area of India, at the foot of the Himalayas. It is the only tea beverage globally with Geographical Indication (GI) trademark protection. It is grown at a high altitude, which gives it distinctive flavonoids. Because of its unique features, it is highly priced. 

9.   Emperor Shen Nung's tea discovery is intriguing

The discovery of tea is quite fascinating. According to legends, it was discovered by Emperor Shen Nung in 2732 BC. It is said that leaves accidentally fell from a wild tree into his pot of boiling water, he sipped it, and it had a refreshing taste and delicate flavor. 

Overall, when you can, have a cup of herbal wellness tea. Notably, a cup of Herbaly's wellness tea, a blend of different herbal wellness tea, gives you a mix of benefits. It not only tastes good, but aids in rejuvenating the body.