A Luxury Soap Perfect for Helping Women Rest and Recharge

10/01/2022 by

21st-century women are empowered. They're strong. They can take care of themselves. But that doesn't mean they're invincible. They get tired after long days, too, regardless of if they're spent at the office, on the homefront, or (as is the case for many remote workers) both. Osia Osia by ZEZE is a brand that is ideal for empowered females who are looking for a chance to rest and recharge, whether that's because they feel burnt out or because they're prepping to tackle their next big project.

ZEZE is known for its handmade soap bars, which simultaneously cleanse and destress through aromatic fragrances and use old-world wisdom and ancient Ayurvedic wellness practices. One of the brand's most popular selections among women is its Bourbon Rose fragrance. "Bourbon Rose has always been popular," explains co-founder Saurabh Bhatia, "it taps into the unique power and sweet aroma of Bourbon Rose Oil. The smell isn't just relaxing, either. It's long-lasting. One of our most consistent points of feedback is how well our fragrances last — sometimes right until someone goes to take a bath the next day."

Bourbon Rose is designed to deliver a nature-inspired beauty remedy. The luxury soap bar is made with cold-pressed pure oils, including almond, olive, coconut, and castor oils. These are combined with essential oils and floral extracts, including rose essential oil, rose petals, and organic rose powder.

The aromatic combination is what creates the enormously popular signature smell of Bourbon Rose. Bathing with the luxurious bar soap is an excellent way to relieve stress and lift one's spirits. It also doubles as a skin cleanser with a reputation for hydrating very well. "Bourbon Rose doesn't just clean the skin," says Bhatia, "it's also helpful for treating inflammatory conditions, dermatitis, and even common acne."

From gentle foaming and essential hydration to destressing aromatherapy, a bath that utilizes Osia Osia by ZEZE's Bourbon Rose fragrance is the perfect way for a busy professional, mother, or any other strong yet tired female (or male, for that matter) to end a stressful day.