A mechanical music box serving coffee

03/17/2015 by

When Frédéric Dayer (Gotec) and Kurt Kupper (Reuge) first met, they both had a firm commitment to do things differently, better.

While Vincent Manchen, designer at Gotec has managed to engineer the very first silent coffee machine for your home with a really cool design, Kurt wanted to create this special "morning feeling".

During BaselWorld, Reuge presents the very first coffee machine (featuring Illy capsules) which plays soft mechanical music while your excellent Italian coffee is brewed.

Gone are the days of the unpleasant noisy coffee machine. When you first leave your cosy bed-sheets and try to face a new day you want all the emotions you can get.
Thanks to the cooperation of the world's most silent coffee machine KISS (Keep It Simply Swiss) and the 150 years of unique experience in the world of mechanical music of Reuge, waking up for a coffee lover has never been more relaxing.

7 grams of carefully selected coffee (rather than the standard 4,5 to 5 grams) are under a pressure of some 20 bars - the result is an unmatched Italian coffee. The Reuge movement which plays with 36 individual notes is linked with the coffee-machine so that it plays exactly when your coffee is brewed. However, you can also play the music box at any other moment, whenever you like.

All in all an excellent example of a Swiss partnership matching highest technology with greatest spirit of innovation. No Starbucks will ever be able to give you this very intimate moment. Please do come by for a cup of coffee at the Clarastrasse number 57 in Basel during BaselWorld (from 9 am to 9 pm) or just give us a call at +41 76 540 27 15 for more information.