Aventura Mall Boasts Top Social Media Among U.S. Shopping Centers

09/12/2016 by

 Aventura Mall has the largest social media following among United States shopping centers, according to a recent Alexander Babbage survey.

The Alexander Babbage report noted that, as of July, Aventura Mall boasted more than 500,000 Facebook fans, along with nearly 30,000 on Instagram. An internationally renowned fashion destination, Aventura Mall focuses its social media on the shopping center's 300 retailers and array of unique experiences.

Reporting on the results, Shopping Centers Today coined Aventura Mall the "King of Social Media" in an online story published September 1, 2016.

"Today's digital and social world provides us with an unprecedented opportunity to engage directly with consumers, not just locally, but around the world," said Jackie Soffer, co-chairman and CEO of Turnberry Associates, owner and manager of Aventura Mall. "We are constantly maximizing our digital platforms to amplify Aventura Mall's brand and support our retailers."