Tess Mann, fashion designer for Couture by Tess Bridal has launched a talk show, Couture Chats with Tess, filmed in a parlor space at her store's location and broadcast on YouTube. The show will be airing interviews with fashion and event industry leaders conducted by Mann. According to Derek Blasberg, head of fashion and beauty partnerships at YouTube, YouTube aspires to be a space allowing for greater longevity, a space which is not so dominated by the ephemeral quality of constantly updated feeds we see on other social media platforms. "People come to this platform looking for deeper experiences, to learn and discover secrets," Blasberg said as reported in an article by Fashion Network.
"My brand has always been known for the personal relationships we develop with our clients as noted by our hundreds of 5-star reviews online. In the bridal gown industry, you have a client come to you for a one-time purchase, but we maintain that relationship even after a purchase and follow our clients' journey through life often. It would seem the best way for us to capture our digital audience is through these same types of intimate connections, which the YouTube show provides," said Tess Mann with Couture Chats with Tess and Couture by Tess Bridal.
"We are aiming to create content with a bit more depth with Couture Chats with Tess than you will find on other social media platforms. As more episodes are released, the goal is to build a captivated audience interested in who Tess is, what she does and the people within her circle featured on the show. It is an opportunity for the brand to connect with an audience on a much deeper level," said Meredith Corning with Meredith Corning PR.
Features of Couture Chats with Tess:
Couture Chats with Tess has released two episodes to date. Episode 1 features Kayla Ketner with Kayla Ketner Event Planning and Coordination. Episode 2 features Susan Bell with DelMonaco Winery and Vineyards.