Cigar brand offers free cigar roller feature for cigar friendly restaurants, bars and retailers

03/15/2021 by

CF Dominicana is a cigar brand noted for providing cigar rollers for weddings and golf events featuring their imported Dominican cigars nationwide.  Starting March 2021, "CF" is announcing a new feature for cigar friendly retailers, bars and restaurants in the U.S. that includes free cigar roller demonstrations for their establishments known as Cigar Catering®. Retailers that carry  the brand will be included in this eye-catching attraction that has become a customer magnet with the brand's clients. CF Dominicana Cigars has provided the entertainment of a cigar roller for wedding receptions, golf and corporate events for 17 years.

"It's true that for every problem there is an opportunity in disguise and this solution creates a new customer base throughout the country for retailers hurt this past year " says Dennis Briganti, president of the brand. Previous to this launch, cigar roller features have only been provided directly by "CF" to their customers, this partnership gives retailers the same service and attention to their locations with no sales quota required due to CF Dominicana eliminating this requirement. All interested cigar retailers are directed to contact the company directly,

"Whatever gets the cigars experienced by new, potential customers is the objective.." says Briganti, "..when we impress guests of local retailers like we impress guests at weddings, golf and corporate events, everyone benefits and this will grow."

Retail cigar sales spiked last year and the general public is already showing optimism for the 2021 through the 2022 event  season with each city having a cigar roller hired for weddings or golf events in, including "lock-down" cities. "It's clear people are intent to go on with their normal lives now, they are getting married, golfing, having parties with friends and just living life, 2020 is in the past." notes Briganti.

A limits of two retailers per area will be added to the company's portfolio of stores. Locations around these cities and states are invited to inquire; AtlantaBostonCaliforniaCharlotteChicagoDallasDenverHilton HeadHoustonIndianaMichiganMyrtle BeachNashvilleNew JerseyNew YorkOrlandoPalm BeachPennsylvaniaProvoRhode IslandSacramentoSalt Lake City, Savannah, Southern California, Vegas, Wisconsin, with locations in AlbertaQuebec and Toronto Canada, more areas to be announced.