Overall, a pet plan is a simple tool to understand, as it is meant to get you access to helpful funds in case of a pet emergency only if you pay your monthly premium as agreed. But the truth is that in some situations, this doesn’t go so straightforward. Prices can shift in the amount based on your pet’s breed, while most providers will have you covering a deductible. And it is only reasonable to wonder whether or not it is a great idea to get pet plans.
The idea behind this is that taking the responsibility of caring for your pet implies you are ready for those expensive veterinary bills that might or might not occur. Of course, you can avoid pet plans if you already have savings accounts for such situations. Still, you should always remember that your pet doesn’t deserve to receive the affordable euthanasia only because you were not financially prepared to tend for its needs!
The first thing that arises many questions amongst pet owners is coverage. And this can turn out to be hard to understand if you don’t read your policy’s terms and conditions carefully. Most providers offer distinct types of coverage based on breed specificity. And those breeds that are predisposed to health issues might come with a pricier plan, such as it is the case with Bulldogs and their breathing issues. So, before taking a new pet home, do some research on the health problems a particular breed might experience.
Overall, a pet plan comes with standard coverage that can include diagnostic procedures, surgical interventions, or treatments. Most providers don’t cover annual standard vet appointments or vaccines, while in most plans, you won’t find micro-chipping or oral health appointments. And the most important thing you need to remember is that pre-existing health problems are never subject to coverage. This means you should get pet insurance when your pet is still young and healthy.
Any animal can benefit from insurance, but for this article, we’re only going to refer to cats and dogs. Pet plans can be as affordable as an $8 monthly fee, or as costly as $100 monthly fee. Premiums can get higher based on distinct reasons cited by the insurer, like the area you live in, the medical issues of a breed, or whether or not your request illness coverage. Oral health appointments are not featured in standard pet plans. Still, if you opt for a broader coverage with a pricier premium, you might access that service, too.
No matter whether or not you get pet insurance, it is always best to have a backup plan such as a savings account. Most pet plans will have you pay upfront for the vet bill and get you a later reimbursement. Besides, some policies only cover between 80 to 90% of the costs, meaning that the rest you will have to pay by yourself.
Of course, if you feel like pet plans are nor worth for your situations, you can always focus solely on creating the best savings fund depending on your financial situation. The money can be useful to cover emergencies and basic vet appointments. And the best part about it is that you will still have access to your savings if your pet is healthy. On the other hand, the downside is that if your pet gets sick when you didn’t manage to gather a decent amount of money in your account, you might struggle to cover for the expenses.
Many veterans on ThePets community might argue that pet insurance is not worth for many pet owners. There are too many restrictions and a lot of exclusions that might make you feel like you pay for nothing. A savings account might be a better option. But, indeed, pet plans come with their set of advantages, especially if you have a younger pet, and you don’t want to hassle with saving money.
Anyway, no matter what you choose, it is best to research and compare different quotes with the help of PetInsuranceFinder. It is a great place to start, as you can compare many services from top providers and get an accurate idea about what you will receive in a pet plan. And it’s highly recommended to check the customer testimonials, too. This will shed light on how pet insurance companies treat their customers.