Feeling Stuck? Here’s Why Counseling Is Crucial for Mental Health in 2022 and Beyond


With the world getting bigger and more complex every day, it can be easy to feel stuck. Whether you're feeling stuck in your job, your relationship, or even your life goals, counseling can help you get unstuck.

Workplace stress, for instance, is affecting more and more people as time goes by. Roughly 79% of employees complain of experiencing work-related stress, as revealed by the 2021 Work and Well-being Survey by American Psychological Association (APA). The shocking figure can be attributed to the increasing complexity of work environments, new technologies, and social media platforms.

The good news is that there are ways to help you cope with different stressors, and counseling is one of the most effective of them. What does counseling mean? Well, it’s not just for when you’re having a bad day or feeling down about something. It’s also for when you need someone to talk things through with so that you can get back on track with your life and feel like yourself again.

To Resolve Trauma Associated With the Recent Pandemic

Developed countries like the United States are still reeling from the effects of COVID-19, and that has led to a mental health crisis across the country. The pandemic has been a traumatic episode for many states like Texas, and it's important that people know that the state government strives to help its people through counseling.

In Texas, the government introduced a 24/7 toll-free support line to help people with mental health issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is one of the many ways the state’s government is working to help people who are struggling with mental health issues due to the pandemic. This implemented system received an overall positive response as the hotline witnessed a 20% rise in calls in early December 2021.

Due to less awareness among the state’s residents about this system, however, it's clear that not everyone can access the help or counseling they want during a traumatic episode. One way to address this issue is to find a Texas therapist that provides counseling services to help you cope with trauma from COVID-19.

Counseling can help people living in Texas and other areas resolve the trauma associated with COVID-19 by helping them process their experiences and feelings about what happened. It also helps people learn how to cope with their stressors effectively so that they don't feel overwhelmed by them or have trouble sleeping or focusing on other things in their lives.

To Tackle a Growing Number of Mental Health Issues

It's no secret that we're living in a time of great uncertainty. The world is changing rapidly, and it can be hard to keep up with all the changes that are happening around us. We're bombarded with information from all sides, from social media to the news, from our friends and family to celebrities, and from politics to pop culture.

This overwhelming of information can lead to different mental illnesses. Nearly 21% of American adults experience some form of mental illness, as reported by Mental Health America. And it's not just adults who are affected by this constant barrage of stimuli. Children also feel overwhelmed by the stressors in their lives. 

As per the study by Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, 21.8% of Children aged 3 to 17 years suffer from different mental, emotional, and behavioral conditions. 

Counseling is an effective way of helping children deal with these issues because it's not centered on one specific aspect of their lives. It looks at everything together. In counseling sessions, children and adults will work with a therapist who is well-trained in dealing with mental health issues. 

This helps them talk about anything, from schoolwork stressors to home-life issues, without feeling judged for bringing them up or judged for having them at all.

Remote Work Culture Leads to the Feeling of Loneliness

Remote work culture has been growing in popularity for the last few years, and it's not hard to see why. Remote workers can be more productive and more efficient than their in-office counterparts, and they can also save a company money on office space. But while these benefits are clear, there are also some drawbacks that aren't so obvious, and one of those is loneliness.

Studies show that remote work culture leads to loneliness among employees. Recent research by Chargifi found that 81% of remote workers under 35 years of age reported feeling lonely due to long-term remote work culture. The feeling of loneliness can seriously take a toll on one’s productivity and health. 

The good news is, however, counseling can help alleviate the feelings of loneliness that come with the remote work culture. There are many types of counselors out there who specialize in different areas and finding one who understands your specific needs is key to getting the most out of therapy sessions.

To Build Resilience to Life Stressors

You've probably been feeling a little stuck lately. It's not your fault. We're all dealing with the same thing. The world seems to be getting more stressful, and we don't always know how to cope. 

Today, the number of Americans struggling with stress is on the rise. A new study by APA has found that as many as 34% of Americans reported having overwhelming stress most days. And these numbers are just going up. But here's the thing: counseling can help you build resilience to life stressors in 2022 and beyond.

Counseling can help us cope with this stress and build resilience to life's challenges, so we don't feel so overwhelmed by them anymore. With counseling, you'll learn tools for coping with life's ups and downs so that you can take back control over your life and start living it on your own terms again.

Now Is a Great Time to Pursue Counseling for Improved Mental Health

There's no denying that our world is a tough place to live. We face unprecedented amounts of stress and anxiety, and the pace at which we operate can leave us feeling like we're running on empty.

Counseling can help you find a way to work through your challenges, so you can live life more fully. It's not just about counseling for mental health issues. It can be a tool for managing any type of challenge or stressor in your life.

It's time to take control of your life. Let counseling be the first step toward making sure you're taking care of yourself and finding happiness every day.