Have a Boat That Needs a Bed?


Finding the best boat mattress can be a difficult task. You may have a limited budget or aren't sure what will suit your needs. Vacationing in your boat should be blissful and relaxing, but a bad mattress can quickly ruin the experience. Here's what you need to know about choosing the right mattress for your boat.

Determining your needs

Boats are no longer rigged with hammocks strung from the walls. Large, leisure boats today often have amazing bedrooms and onboard facilities that cater to your every comfort need. Older boats may not have the same capabilities. Your vessel may have an outdated bed made of thin foam and plywood.

Smaller sailboats often put necessity and function over comfort. While you'll likely be able to tolerate uncomfortable sleep for a few days, you're sure to have an overall unpleasant vacation experience.

To improve your sleeping situation, determine what kind of bed you and your partner use at home. You're more likely to be comfortable sleeping on a mattress you've already tested out. You may also have certain physical needs like back problems or chronic pain conditions that should be considered. Make the bed on your boat as close to your home bed as possible for optimal comfort and relaxation.

If you don't want to invest in a whole new mattress, consider the benefits of a topper. They're often cheaper and can substantially improve your comfort.

Setting a budget

Your budget will determine the quality and durability of your new mattress. Custom options will often provide ideal comfort but can cost a significant amount. Consider how often you'll be going boating in the future. Spending a few vacations every other month doesn't warrant a huge budget.

However, if you plan to travel along a coast or stay at sea for several weeks, spending more on a better mattress is the recommended choice. Your budget determines how much you're willing to invest in your future comfort.

Different mattress types

The two most common types of mattresses are spring and foam. Spring mattresses are typically thicker and require more headspace than foam alternatives. Always measure the space you have available and factor in enough room to move around and sit up. Consider whether you want the mattress to split into parts so you can easily access storage.

You have more variety when considering foam mattresses. Choose from polyurethane, latex or memory foam. Polyurethane is the most common and least expensive option. It wears down faster than the other foams but is ideal if you don't use your boat frequently. Memory and latex foam typically retain heat more than polyurethane, which can quickly make you uncomfortable.

Latex is the best option for longevity as it's resistant to mold and mildew. If you have a leaky boat or suffer from humidity issues, your mattress may develop spores that can negatively affect your health. Each type of mattress foam comes in a variety of sizes and thicknesses depending on your preferences.

Higher quality mattresses are often the better choice if you want to invest in leisure and comfort. Try out mattress options in local stores to find the style that makes you the most comfortable. Even if your vessel is mostly used for business or work, you still deserve to sleep comfortably each night.


It's never too late to update your boat's current mattress. Find soft and flexible alternatives that protect your body from discomfort and give you a better night's sleep. A boat mattress is an excellent investment into the quality of your future vacations and trips.