Historical Sculptures coming to Madison, Wisconsin

07/16/2023 by

Historical Sculptures come to Madison, Wisconsin. A Young Union Civil War Soldier Memorial a first of its kind in Madison, Wisconsin and two other historic subjects based on the local history of the site the Union Tavern and a Rayovac Battery Company will adorn the newly renovated Union Corners Development on the corner of East Washington Avenue at Winnebago Street. The Young Union Soldier is a 24-carat gold leaf on a bronze casting and the other memorial sculptures are stainless-steel which are produced by ART Design Group and cast by ART Research Enterprises, Inc in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and are produced for Gorman Brothers, Inc.

Narrative Intension of the Sculptures for Union Corners

Over the recent years the concept of art for change has risen to the top of priorities in the world, joining traditionally appreciated values like history, beauty, craftsmanship with the ability to evoke emotion. Art for social change has as many approaches as there are artists. An empowered public is asking new questions about representation and the writing of history including how and why we are memorializing.

The suite of sculptures at Union Corners narrate the story of events that occurred in Madison's past. We hope the sculptures will be engaging and educational for the public, so much that they will continue to discover and research additional information about the subjects. The narrative sculptures will bring about an emotional level that connects the spectator with their past and a reverence for those that went before them.

To the Process

Producing Public Sculpture is a collaboration between the sculptor, the donor, public opinion, and the fabricator. We are fortunate to have our own casting and fabrication facility with a team of highly skilled artisans to assist in the process creatively and technically.

Our first step as the artist/sculptor is to understand the desired interpretation of the story the clients wishes to be told. Then we do our best to provide sculpture as a narrative. If the subject matter is historical we delve into a lot of research, partner with Historical Societies and local Museums. For the Madison project we collaborated with the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Wisconsin Veterans Museum.

Next phase was to present several ideas through drawing to the client Gorman & Company to narrow the images to be sculpted and make a site visit. Upon approval of the drawings the sculpting of the three major pieces began with the aid of artist assistants.

All the sculptures were produced by the lost wax method of hot cast bronze and Stainless-Steel. A rubber mold was made of all the clay enlargements and reliefs. Wax patterns were pulled from the rubber molds then gated and vented for the next phase. Wax patterns were coated in several layers of ceramic shell. This takes several weeks to move through the process. The wax is melted out and the metal poured into the ceramic shell molds.

Once the molten metal has cooled, the molds are removed exposing the raw casting. All elements are welded together, and fine metal finished to appear seamless as the original clay. The elements are then hot chemically patinated, clear sealed, and waxed or gold leafed. All sculptures are approved by the client before delivery and installation.