Hosting Provides


Many people already have an idea of what blockchain represents, which means that it will not be news to them that participation in the blockchain network is impossible without deploying nodes. Since the blockchain is a decentralized system, to maintain its functionality, operators are needed to exchange information with each other. It is the nodes, being nothing more than devices in the blockchain network, that act as such operators, since they can contact each other through P2P protocols.

Newcomers to the crypto space often wonder: is it easy to deploy nodes on their own? The answer will be as follows: nodes can be installed easily, quickly and simply if you use special software for this. And, of course, in order to install nodes, you need either virtual or dedicated servers. But with this approach, the user may encounter certain problems that may be related to the maintenance of their infrastructure and the impact of peak loads on DApps. DNaaS (Dedicated Node as a Service) and the creator of this service - will allow any user to get away from such problems.

Clouds and dedicated servers

Having mentioned that deploying nodes requires either dedicated or virtual servers, it is worth saying that very often users are faced with a choice of which option to use in each specific case. It should be noted that before the advent of cloud technologies, the authors of web projects always used dedicated servers. However, recently cloud technologies have firmly entered the IT industry, involving more and more companies in their area of influence. Clouds have formed a large competitive market in which they can be used not only by large organizations, but also by small companies and even individual users. You can often hear the opinion that using the cloud is not such a simple matter, and besides, this process carries quite significant costs. In fact, this opinion is not entirely correct. If the user is trying to deploy a simple project that does not require many resources, and is built on some kind of ready-made solution, then the use of the cloud is justified. But let’s imagine that some large project is being built from scratch, which will take up a lot of resources, consume a lot of traffic, and require a lot of computing power. In this case, a preliminary calculation of the cost of the project is necessary, and for these purposes you can use the calculator that is available in each cloud. But practice shows that for large projects, the optimal use case is still a dedicated server. An important indicator is also the fact that migrating from a dedicated server to the cloud is much easier than migrating from the cloud to a dedicated server. There are also hybrid systems, when computing power is located in the cloud, and specific storage facilities are located on dedicated servers. The reason for this is obvious. A dedicated server can be equipped with a certain number of hard drives on which some data can be stored, taking into account only the channel bandwidth.

Types of hosting

Speaking of cloud technologies, virtual and dedicated servers, it is worth clarifying what exactly each of these types of hosting is. A dedicated server is an entire physical machine that is rented from a hosting provider. The user exploits the resources of the dedicated server and also configures it independently. Such use is often prohibitively expensive, especially in cases where the user does not need such a large amount of resources. To reduce costs, you can rent servers in parts. For example, hosting can pre-configure part of the server and give it to the user to download his files. This option is called “renting shared hosting”. In the second option, the hosting can give the user a part of the server, providing this part with the help of a program to imitate the whole server. In this case, the user configures this part of the server independently. This option is called “renting a VPS”. Additionally, for those specifically looking to optimize and manage websites built on WordPress, there is WordPress Hosting which offers tailored solutions to enhance performance, security, and ease of use for WordPress sites.

When renting shared hosting, the user is provided with a small amount of resources, which he shares with other server users. That is, all users have a common hard drive, a common processor, and a common IP address. This gives rise to the following risks: slowing down the work of some user if another user takes too many resources, and subjecting all users to a DDoS attack, if one occurs against at least one of them. When renting a VPS, you rent a separate virtual server with its own IP address and its own guaranteed resources, which is a safer and more convenient option. You can always customize the VPS to suit your needs, install your own operating system, download your own antivirus software, install the necessary programs, etc. VPS has all the settings of a dedicated server, since it is a software-created small server. The program with which such small servers are created, and which runs on a dedicated server is called a “hypervisor”.