How Airlines Could Improve User Experience Through Airline Secret Shopping


Airline secret shopping services allow you to send experts in the form of customers to fly on your airline. They report on every aspect of the flight, giving you valuable information and feedback. With these insights, you can improve your airline and reach new heights. 

This can be a great tool in your arsenal when improving your business. If you still need more convincing as to why airline secret shopping or mystery shopping is a good idea, here are seven benefits to consider. 

1.  Get a First Person Account

As an airline, you have many reports from the management side of things but less feedback from clients. Also, the feedback from clients or flyers is not the most reliable as it comes from their individual, untrained perspective. 

However, imagine someone with business expertise evaluating the experience, making notes for needed improvements and impressive qualities. You will get a first-person account of your flying experience from someone who knows what they’re talking about. 

2.  Measure Your Performance

If you’re ready to remove any obstacles to becoming the best airline around, you will need to measure how well you are performing already. Secret shoppers can let you know where you are performing well and where it remains lacklustre. 

With a reliable tool to measure your performance over some time, you can identify trends and patterns in your performance, allowing you to find out what improves your performance and what stands in your way. 

3.  Analyse Competing Employees

As a large airline, you have several departments with lots of people working for you. If you want to learn which cabin crew team is the best or who your most punctual captains are, you can do that through secret shopping services. 

The secret shoppers can be sent on several flights, and you can compare the reports to see how well competing teams stand against each other. If that is something you’re looking for, discover more about airline secret shopper services.

4.  Identify Weaknesses

The most important asset in a business is knowledge of your weaknesses. This way, you can effectively plan ways to cover them up and improve upon them before they bring you down. No business is perfect, and there’s always room for improvement. 

Learning about a weakness is the first crucial step to strengthening yourself and becoming better. Experts can weed out any hidden weaknesses your airline has so that you can make informed decisions to improve. 

5.  Find More Sales Opportunities

Airlines don’t make money just by selling tickets, as you know. As a business, you must ask yourself how you can sell more in-flight add-ons like food, drinks, and entertainment while your customers find hacks to save money

When an analyst goes through your experience, they can pinpoint exactly where you could encourage more sales. Then you can apply these suggestions wherever you see fit. 

6.  Ensuring Positive Customer Relationships

Every airline takes pride in training their staff well so that they are kind and professional with flyers. However, if you want a true picture of how well they form customer relationships on the front line, you will need an outside perspective. 

If there are ways your staff could improve their interactions with your customers, secret shoppers will let you know. Good customer relationships lead to repeat business, after all.