How Companies Can Improve Commercial Cleaning Post Covid


Ever since the pandemic hit, we have faced unprecedented challenges as a society. Part of the new normal after Covid-19 is ensuring that all public spaces remain clean.

This way, we stop any illness from spreading, keeping everyone healthier. Workplaces depend on people coming to work every day and giving their all, so we can’t have viruses breeding in our offices. 

If even one person gets sick, it could spread to other people and their friends and family. Preventing this is part of responsible office management, so here are five ways companies can improve commercial cleaning post-Covid. 

1.  Daily Janitor Cleaning

The first step is to optimize any cleaning practices already in place. Over time, janitor equipment can become old and inefficient, leading to slow work and unimpressive results. You can rise above this by updating your office's janitor equipment. 

High-quality cleaning trolleys for professional use are recommended with a fresh stock of cleaning supplies. Communicate with your cleaning staff to ensure that they are never short of cleaning supplies.  

2.  Carpet Cleaning

Carpets can become a home for dust, debris, and viruses to grow unbothered. Vacuuming your carpets only goes so far. After a point, a deep clean becomes necessary to give your carpet a clean slate. Regular carpet cleanings after intervals make a huge difference. 

Consider hiring professional carpet cleaners to inspect your carpet and the amount of foot traffic it experiences. They will be able to best guide you on how often your carpets should be professionally cleaned. 

3.  Upholstery Cleaning

After carpets, another place germs can breed is office furniture. There are also places where the furniture is shared, such as lounges or conference rooms. Furniture in offices like health clinics is used a lot by all sorts of people. 

Getting upholstery cleaned professionally not only removes any dust or allergens from it but also disinfects it from germs that could make your employees or customers sick. It also gives your office furniture new life and keeps it usable for longer. 


4.  Air Duct Cleaning

It’s no secret that viruses can travel in the air, but did you know that stale office air makes your employees less productive? The pandemic was an eye-opening experience that made everyone value air quality a lot more. 

Ventilation and air quality are directly tied to a clean air duct system. So, getting your air duct commercially cleaned after intervals is recommended to optimize air quality in the office. 

5.  Deep Cleaning

Daily cleaning tasks like emptying out trash cans, wiping everything down, and mopping are the backbone of a clean office. However, despite extensive daily cleaning, you can only achieve a level of cleanliness. 

To make your offices even cleaner, getting a deep cleaning once in a while would make a huge difference. It would give your in-house cleaning staff a boost since they can focus on maintaining a new level of cleanliness after every deep clean. 


To sum it up, since offices are places where many people gather, they should be kept clean to avoid spreading any illnesses during working hours. Commercial cleaning services are essential in the fight against germs in the workplace. So keep your employees healthy and your office sparkling with regular cleaning for a cleaner society.