How Red Light Therapy Can Help Your Canker Sores


Experiencing a canker sore can be excruciating. These small, shallow lesions, also known as aphthous ulcers, develop on the soft tissues in the mouth. They're not contagious but can undoubtedly disrupt daily activities such as eating and talking due to discomfort or intense pain.

Several treatment methods can help reduce the severity when one develops canker sores. You can read more here on what to do if your canker sores are bleeding. But one of the most common treatment options people seek is red light therapy.

This innovative treatment employs low-level light energy to spur healing, alleviate pain, and reduce inflammation. Could it be the answer for pesky canker sores? Here's a look into the science of red light therapy and how it helps with canker sores: 

Red Light Therapy And Canker Sores

Various studies suggest that red light therapy can dramatically hasten the healing of wounds, including those frustrating oral sores. It achieves this by triggering cellular activity and amplifying blood circulation to the sore.

As for the mechanism of action, red light therapy zeroes in on the mitochondria, the cell's powerhouse. This stimulation enhances cellular energy production and helps repair damaged cells and form new ones. Consequently, it aids in healing canker sores faster.

Supporting these scientific facts, numerous case studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that individuals using red light therapy for canker sores have seen marked improvements. Many report a noticeable reduction in the size and severity of sores within a few days of treatment.

Benefits Of Using Red Light Therapy For Canker Sores 

Several factors, such as speed and comfort, are crucial for the patient when treating canker sores. As such, using red light therapy can be a good choice because of the following benefits:

  1. Speed Of Healing

A key benefit of red light therapy for canker sores is its potential to speed up healing. Sores can heal more quickly by enhancing cellular activity and promoting blood flow to the affected area. This means less time spent dealing with the pesky nuisances of canker sores.

Less time spent on the healing process also translates into a shorter period of disruption to normal activities. Whether eating, speaking, or simply going about the day, canker sores can be quite a hindrance. Fortunately, red light therapy can help quickly restore your routine to normal.

  1. Reduction In Pain And Discomfort

Beyond the expedited healing process, red light therapy also helps alleviate pain and discomfort. It's been shown to have analgesic effects, reducing the discomfort associated with these sores. This benefit is a significant relief for anyone who's had to deal with the persistent annoyance of a canker sore.

Moreover, alleviating pain and discomfort isn't just about physical relief. It also means less mental stress. The continuous pain of a canker sore can be distracting and stress-inducing. Red light therapy can also help enhance mental well-being by reducing this discomfort.

  1. Prevention Of Recurrent Sores

An essential consideration is the potential for preventing recurrent sores. Some people are prone to repeated canker sores, leading to continuous discomfort and stress. Red light therapy can play a preventative role, reducing the frequency of these occurrences.

The preventive aspect of red light therapy lies in its ability to enhance oral health. Promoting healthier cells and tissues can help keep the mouth in better shape, which may deter the development of future sores. 

Comparing Professional Treatment and At-Home Devices

While at-home devices can be convenient and cost-effective, it's essential to consider professional treatment. Dentists and oral healthcare professionals possess more powerful devices and have expertise in using them effectively.

On the other hand, red light therapy at home devices are great for maintenance or minor canker sores. They can be a helpful complement to professional treatment. However, for severe or recurrent canker sores, professional help is recommended. Always consult with a healthcare professional when considering new treatments.

Safety Precautions And Potential Side Effects

While red light therapy is generally safe, there are precautions to take. Never stare directly into the red light, as it can harm the eyes. Therefore, avoid pointing the device towards the eyes when treating a canker sore. 

In terms of side effects, red light therapy is well-tolerated by most people. However, some may experience mild discomfort, warmth, or redness at the treatment site. These effects usually dissipate shortly after the treatment.


Red light therapy offers a potentially practical approach to managing canker sores. It can speed up healing and reduce pain and may also help prevent recurrent sores. Red light therapy could be worth considering for those continually battling this vexing issue.

Its potential for enhancing oral health is promising. However, always use this treatment correctly and safely for the best results.