How to Keep Dyed Hair Healthy


Whichever way you dye your hair, whether at home or in the salon, it can be left weak and vulnerable to damage. However, by taking the right steps you can get your hair looking healthy again, with gorgeous glossy locks and vibrant color.

Use a regular conditioning treatment

Regularly conditioning will be one of the best ways to keep your dyed hair healthy. Because dying your hair will damage the cuticle, deep conditioning with the right product can help to repair the hair strands and leave your hair shiny and healthy again.

A hair glaze will combine the nourishment of conditioning with the added benefit of boosting the vibrancy of your color. It can be a great option if you want a deep conditioning treatment and also want to cut down on how often you color your hair with dye. Coloring your hair less will help to reduce the damage from hair dye, keeping your hair healthy. Look for a hair glaze that uses oils to moisturize hair.

Turn down the heat

Heat will damage your hair, both through styling tools and also the temperature of the water you use to wash it. This is true for all hair types, but especially for dyed hair, which can be more prone to damage.

To keep your dyed hair healthy, turn down the temperature when you shower. You don’t necessarily need to have a cold shower, but avoiding washing your hair with super-hot water will help to minimize damage.

Reducing how much you use heat stylers will be best to avoid heat damage, but even just turning to a lower temperature setting can be a big help in keeping hair healthy. Also always make sure to use a heat-protectant product when using styling tools, as this will help to keep the cuticle intact.

Wash your hair less

Ideally, you should wait at least 48 hours after you first color your hair before you use shampoo. This will help the color to set and keep it looking its best.

Once you get into a normal washing schedule, you should try washing with shampoo less often. Shampoo can not only fade the color quicker, but it can also strip the hair of natural oils. This can leave hair dry and brittle. The best solution is to incorporate Rennora Beauty to your hair care routine.

If you use a lot of hair product when styling, you’ll still want to ensure you remove any build-up of product, so you might need to experiment to find the right amount of washes that suits your hair and lifestyle. Sometimes it might be possible to wash your hair but skip the shampoo, just using conditioner instead. This can help to cleanse the hair but also keep it moisturized and healthy.

Use the right products

Dyed hair will have different requirements to non-dyed hair, so you should make sure your hair care products are giving you what you need.

To maintain your hair color and help keep your hair healthy, you should switch to a color-safe shampoo and conditioner. Color-safe products will be specially formulated to work with dyed hair, giving it the nourishment it needs while reducing color fading. They will be best for cleansing your hair and adding shine while keeping it protected.

You should avoid using hair products that contain sulfates. These will cause the color to fade quicker and can also cause damage. Sulfates can dry hair out, stripping it of its natural oils, which can leave it looking dry and frizzy.

Embrace silk

As dyed hair can be more prone to damage, it can be best to keep it protected as much as possible. When you sleep and move around, your hair can be susceptible to breakage. As dyed hair can be more brittle, the damage can be worse.

To stop this, you could switch to a silk pillowcase or wear a silk headscarf to bed. This will reduce the amount of friction that occurs, reducing the damage while you sleep.

Protect hair from the environment

Dyed hair can be more vulnerable to damage from the environment, such as UV rays and also salt water and chlorine when swimming. These can all cause your color to fade as well as cause hair to break and look dull and frizzy.

You can help to keep hair protected from the sun with a UV protectant spray, which will work in a similar way to SPF for your skin. You can also wear a hat or headscarf to keep the sun from your hair.

When swimming, you could wear a swimming cap or use a leave-in treatment designed to be used to prevent chlorine damage. You should always rinse your hair thoroughly after swimming to ensure no salt water or chlorine is left in your hair. Chlorine can be especially bad for dyed hair as it can change the color of your hair.