Kratom for depression: Does It Work?


With depression getting more noticed among individuals who are not responding to common treatments, interest in Kratom, a tree from Southeast Asia, has grown among those who would like to try alternative treatments. Instantly recognized as Mitragyna speciosa, this plant has been frequently exploited for the alleged psychic benefits, including mood improvement and energy boost. 

This article deals with the utilisability of "Kratom for depression, "saying that it is a remedial tool that can affect emotions and mental health. The work done by Kratom  in the brain on the nerves that deal with depression, fills the undertone of an expectation for people struggling with depression.

Nevertheless, its efficiency, safety, and legal status are the causes of the dispute among scientists.

What is kratom?

Kratom, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, particularly found in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. Due to its psychoactive properties, it has been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

Leaves of the kratom tree have more than 40 active compounds, such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine (the most dominant ones). These drugs bind to the same receptors in the brain as opioids, which, in turn, lead to a wide spectrum of effects: stimulation at lower doses and sedation at high doses.

Kratom is so versatile that how it is consumed can manifest itself in different forms, including when it is chewed, dried, and smoked. It can also be brewed as tea, capsules, and other forms of consumption. Many individuals have used trainwreck kratom for their energy-boosting properties, pain-relieving capabilities, or assistance with opioid withdrawal symptoms.

Beyond its traditional functions, the safety aspects, legality, and efficacy in treating medical conditions associated with kratom still raise concerns and undergo extensive scientific studies and regulatory inspection.

Does Kratom Help with Depression and Anxiety? 

The potential of kratom to alleviate depression and anxiety is a subject of ongoing discussion. Kratom, derived from the leaves of a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, contains alkaloids such as mitragynine, which interact with opioid receptors in the brain. This interaction suggests a possible influence on mood regulation and the alleviation of symptoms associated with mood disorders.

Anecdotal reports from individuals who self-administer kratom often describe experiencing improved mood and reduced anxiety levels. They frequently note feelings of upliftment and a sense of calm after consuming kratom. However, the scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited, and the mechanisms through which kratom may affect mood require further investigation.

The safety aspect of kratom use has remained the subject of debate since it was discovered, even though it has the potential to help people in different ways. Considerations like habit formation, withdrawal symptoms, and adversities like nausea and dizziness require attention. This safety concern implies the necessity of caution on the one hand while considering kratom as an antidepressant and anti-anxiety on the other hand.

Although kratom could help relieve symptoms, it still implies the potential inadequacy of its long-term efficacy and suitability. Consulting healthcare professionals and considering all optionally available data is very important for people who are about to start using kratom for coping with depression and anxiety, which are mental health problems.

What Are the Ways to Use Kratom for Depression?

Kratom Capsules

Kratom capsules offer a great way to use kratom powder as they come with powder that is filled in capsules that are convenient and discreet for consumption. This form allows for precise dosages, which are vital for monitoring and adjusting intake based on individual tolerance and reaction. 

Capsules help to suppress kratom's bitter taste, which can be unpleasant for those who are sensitive to flavor. Therefore, capsules are the most popular form of kratom dose method.

Kratom Pills

Similar to capsules, kratom pills are pressed tablets consisting of kratom powder. They offer the same benefits as capsules, such as dosage control and taste avoidance. Pills are portable and straightforward, facilitating easy use without preparation time.

Kratom Gummies

A newer addition to the kratom product lineup, kratom gummies, infuse kratom extract into a flavored gummy base. This form is particularly appealing for its taste and ease of use. Gummies provide a discreet way to consume kratom and are especially favored for their palatable flavors, which mask the herb's natural bitterness.

Kratom Tinctures

Kratom tinctures are highly concentrated liquid forms of kratom extracts created by assembling leaves or powder in a solvent agent. Tinctures are known for administration accuracy settings, which provide a faster onset of effect since they can be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly in liquid form. They offer a high potency level and the ability to fine-tune dosages with precision using droppers.

Kratom Extracts

Kratom extracts present a potent form of the herb, created by isolating and concentrating the active alkaloids. Extracts can be found in powder, liquid, or resin form. Due to their strength, extracts should be used with caution, especially by those new to kratom. 

They allow for smaller, more manageable dosages with potentially stronger effects, which could be beneficial for individuals seeking relief from severe depression symptoms.

Kratom Dosage for Depression

Determining a proper kratom dosage for depression is very difficult because of an absence of evidence-based recommendations and individual differences in the way people respond to kratom. 

The impact that Kratom has on people is a definite ally to the type, dosage, and the person's body chemistry, leading to personalized exploration. However, general recommendations can provide a starting point:

Low Dose (1-5 grams): With the lower dosage, kratom acts as a stimulant, providing the sensation of increased energy, high attention, and a positive mind. This dosage range serves as the default for both newcomers or those with mild symptoms of depression, as they produce the intended lift in the mood without bringing overwhelming effects.

Moderate Dose (5-15 grams): A moderate intake may elicit some cognitive-modulating characteristics that may ease the symptoms of persons who are more severely depressed. It's crucial to be careful about reaching the upper limit of the range here, as this may result in side effects such as drowsiness or dizziness.

High Dose (15 grams and above): High doses are generally not recommended, especially for individuals new to kratom or using it for depression. Such quantities increase the risk of adverse reactions, including intense sedation and potential dependency.

It's important to start with the lowest possible dose and gradually increase it while closely monitoring your body's response. Due to the potential for tolerance and dependency, kratom should be used sparingly, with breaks in consumption to prevent habituation.

Different Types of Kratom

Kratom, a species of tropical tree distributed in regions of Southeast Asia, is being consumed for its multifaceted nature. Its effects are dependent on the variation of leaf vein type and strains. There are four primary vein colors, each offering unique benefits and experiences. Knowing these variations is very helpful for those who seek kratom for therapy or recreation.

Green Vein Kratom

The green vein variety uses up both, stimulation and relaxation potential coming from red and white vein varieties, so it finds application in case of people with a range of preferences. It is known to provide energy boost that is not usual with other white strains but it gives a harmonious feeling to advance the mood and concentration. 

Green vein strains are often recommended for beginners or those seeking a more moderate effect supporting daily activities and social interactions.

Red Vein Kratom

Renowned for its calming properties, red kratom is typically used for pain relief and relaxation. It is the most sought-after vein color for its potential to induce deeper states of calm, ease anxiety, and aid with sleep disorders like insomnia. The sedative effects of red vein strains make them a popular choice for evening use, helping users unwind after a long day.

White Vein Kratom

This form of Kratom, white vein kratom, is characterized by its energizing and stimulating properties. These are versatile strains and are suitable for those who need either a boost in concentration, mood, or endurance. 

They are particularly helpful for people seeking increased alertness, concentration, and motivation. White vein kratom is known for its strong stimulant character and is usually used as a morning strain to begin the day with oomph or to fight staggering fatigue.

Yellow Vein Kratom

Yellow vein kratom is less common and is believed to be achieved through a unique drying process of either green or white strains, potentially blending both. This vein color offers a unique set of effects that fall somewhere between the green and red strains, providing a smooth, moderate boost in energy and mood enhancement. 

Yellow kratom is praised for its ability to offer balanced effects, making it suitable for users looking for a middle ground between stimulation and relaxation.

How to Choose the Best Kratom Strain for Depression?

When selecting the best strain of kratom for depression, you need to have an idea of how each strain works specifically and relate this to the needs that uniquely affect you. Personalized choice of strains (which manifest differently in each individual) can be quite different to match a specific person. Here are some guidelines to help you select a kratom strain that may best address symptoms of depression:

Determine Your Desired Effects: First, define what you need from kratom. Are you looking for an energy boost to combat fatigue associated with depression, or do you need something to help you relax and improve sleep quality? Your primary goal will guide your strain selection.

Start with Well-Known Strains: Several strains are preferred for their generally euphoric or happiness-endowing qualities. Additionally, the Maeng Da is popular due to its powerful, energizing, and uplifting sides, making it perfect for people who are worn out and easily tired. In terms of Green Malay, this plant has aspects capable of providing an energy boost and a mild sense of relaxation.

Consider Vein Colors: The vein color of kratom plays a significant role in its effects. 

  •  Red vein strains are often recommended for their calming properties, potentially beneficial for those with anxiety as a component of their depression.
  • Green vein strains offer a middle ground, enhancing mood and gentle energization without overwhelming stimulation.
  • White vein strains might be preferable for individuals requiring motivation and vigor to counteract depressive lethargy.

Sample Small Quantities: Due to the subjective nature of kratom's effects, consider trying small amounts of different strains to see how you react before committing to a larger purchase.

Consult with Professionals: While anecdotal evidence can guide, consulting with healthcare professionals familiar with herbal supplements ensures safety, especially if you're currently on medication.


Kratom has the potential to tackle depression and anxiety, but its effectiveness and safety are still questionable because of a shortage of scientific research. Considering the dependency and adverse effects, safe use becomes a necessity. 

Professionals in the health field and broad-based research findings are important elements in making the right decisions. Though the relief may sometimes present itself, the effects of kratom in the long run and whether it is the most appropriate solution both require attention before making a decision.

Exploring reputable brands and seeking professional guidance can help you navigate potential benefits and risks. Making informed choices ensures the pursuit of mental well-being with mindfulness and care.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kratom Safe for Depression?

Kratom's safety for depression isn't fully established. At the same time, some users report mood improvement, potential side effects, and lack of regulatory oversight caution against its use as a primary treatment without professional medical advice.

Is Kratom Legal?

Kratom's legal status varies globally and within the United States. It is legal in some states and countries but banned or regulated in others. Always check local laws before purchasing or consuming kratom.

How Often Can You Take Kratom for Anxiety?

Frequency should be minimized to prevent tolerance and dependence. Start with the lowest effective dose and consider intermittent use, rather than daily, to manage anxiety symptoms effectively while reducing risk.

Should I Use Kratom for Depression?

Deciding to use kratom for depression should involve careful consideration and consultation with a healthcare provider, especially if you're already under treatment or taking medication for depression.

Can Kratom Cause Dependence or Addiction?

Yes, kratom can cause dependence or addiction. Regular and prolonged use, especially in high doses, increases the risk of developing a dependency, leading to withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop.