Lipolytic Kabelline: main properties


Lipolytics are substances used to reduce fatty accumulations on the face and body. The process in which they are involved is called lipolysis. This method not only helps to remove fat that is difficult to eliminate by other means (such as dieting or exercise), but also improves tissue metabolism and skin condition.

Lipolytic solutions, which are used by specialists in cosmetology salons and clinics, differ in their action and composition. Let's understand how direct lipolytics differ from indirect, and which preparations are best suited for correcting facial contour, reducing body volume and fighting cellulite.

Direct lipolytics. These drugs act directly on fat cells by destroying their membranes. This leads to the release of fatty acids and glycerol, which are then eliminated from the body naturally.

Indirect Lipolytics. These agents help activate enzymes that speed up the process of fat breakdown. They do not destroy fat cells directly, but enhance their metabolic activity.

Choosing a lipolytic for a particular task here, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the body and consult with a qualified specialist.

What is the difference between direct and indirect lipolytics

Direct and indirect lipolytics differ in their composition and mechanism of action. Despite this, both types of drugs are injected into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Some manufacturers produce solutions of superficial action, which are used together with mesorollers, during massages and hardware procedures.

Direct Lipolytic
Direct lipolytic is aimed at destroying the membranes of fat cells (adipocytes). As a result, their contents are transformed into an emulsion and eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. The effect is noticeable after 1-4 sessions of injections. The composition of direct action cocktails includes:

  • Phosphatidylcholine (PPC)
  • Sodium deoxycholate
  • Deoxycholic acid

For a lipolytic to be considered direct, its composition must include a combination of the first two components. In this case:

  • Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) must be at least 1000 mg
  • Sodium deoxycholate - at least 5 mg

Indirect lipolytic
Indirect lipolytics do not destroy fat cells, but help to reduce their volume by accelerating metabolic processes and removal of fluid from the tissues. The composition of indirect lipolytics includes:

  • Peptides
  • Enzymes
  • L-carnitine
  • Caffeine
  • Plant extracts

Thus, the choice between direct and indirect lipolytics depends on your goals and body characteristics.

Which direct lipolytic is suitable for the face

To reduce fat deposits on the cheeks and eliminate the second chin, cosmetologists often use lipolytic solutions of direct action. When used correctly, these products are safe for the body. One of the popular preparations for injections in the lower part of the face is Kabelline. Let's take a look at what this preparation represents.

Kabelline Lipolytic review

Kabelline fat dissolver is a deoxycholic acid-based product designed to burn fat cells. Unlike similar products from other manufacturers, Kabelline has virtually no side effects and is highly effective.

Kabelline Direct Action Lipolytic (1 x 8 ml) is an innovative face and body care product. The active ingredient of KABELLINE is deoxycholic acid, approved by the US FDA. Deoxycholic acid is a natural enzyme in the body that helps break down and metabolize fatty acids.

When injected into the subcutaneous tissue, this acid breaks down fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in tissue volume and circumference. Due to its high safety and effectiveness, Kabelline has gained popularity for its non-surgical lipolysis of the chin and ability to correct the lower jaw line.

Kabelline's formula can quickly reduce excess fat deposits on the face. The product provides restoration of a clear contour of the lower jawline and smoothing of fatty tissue, giving a more youthful and slimmer appearance to the lower face. The lipolytic is also effective in reducing fat deposits in other areas of the body.

Main properties of Kabelline
Mesotherapeutic fat-burning solution is sold in glass vials with a volume of 8 ml. You can buy the drug as a box of 5 vials, or one by one. The price on the website is indicated for one piece.

The main component of the product is deoxycholic acid (Deoxycholic acid), which:

  • destroys the shell of fat cells;
  • dissolves fat in the cells and promotes its excretion through the lymphatic system;
  • inhibits lipogenesis, preventing the formation of new fat cells.

Deoxycholic acid is a natural enzyme that the body accepts well without causing complications. This bioactive substance is approved by the American FDA.

How to use?

Kabelline is a lipolytic that is used for minimally invasive procedures and effectively eliminates excess fat deposits in the neck (including the withers) and chin area, but is not suitable for correcting chubby cheeks. Injectable lipolysis is highly effective in removing excess fatty tissue in the following areas:

  • upper arms;
  • arms;
  • back;
  • buttocks;
  • thighs;
  • abdomen.

Mesosolution is injected into the subcutaneous fatty tissue using a 30G needle or used in combination with a mesoroller and dermapen. With intradermal injections, injections are made every centimeter, injecting 0.2-0.3 ml of solution per point. No more than two vials should be used per treatment.

Results of use
According to the reviews of patients of aesthetic clinics and clients of beauty salons, the use of Kabelline improves the facial oval and significantly reduces body volumes. To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to conduct 2-6 sessions with a weekly interval. Diet and physical activity enhance the effect of the procedure.

Procedure protocol

Procedure protocol is available only for specialists (doctors, cosmetologists) after registration on the site. We care about the safety of patients and remind that self-injection of drugs at home is inadmissible.


Subcutaneous injections and microneedling are contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, patients with decompensated diabetes mellitus and low blood coagulation. Lipolytic application is also prohibited in the presence of skin infections, dermatitis, dermatoses and inflammatory processes in the body.

Benefits of Kabelline contouring serum
  1. Effective fat reduction without surgery. This non-invasive method destroys fat cells without the need for surgery.
  2. Dual action on fat cells. The serum's unique formula destroys fat cells and stimulates their natural breakdown through excessive water absorption.
  3. Natural-looking and long-lasting results. Destroyed fat cells provide a slimmer injection area for the long term with proper weight maintenance.
  4. No serious side effects, severe pain or long recovery time. Despite possible swelling or bruising after the procedure, the injections do not leave scars and do not require a long recovery, allowing you to return to your normal life immediately.

Thus, by choosing Kabelline, you get a number of benefits. This preparation allows you to bring contours in order without surgical intervention.