Liposuction: Top 7 Techniques


Cosmetic surgery, particularly liposuction, is popular among medical tourists in the United Arab Emirates. A combination of factors makes liposuction in Dubai a popular option.

Dubai has many hospitals, with many offering cosmetic surgery; there are even hospitals and medical centres wholly dedicated to cosmetic surgery. Furthermore, these Dubai cosmetic surgery hospitals and hospital departments have high-tech equipment, world-class facilities, and high-calibre doctors.

It also helps that Dubai is an in-demand tourist destination. Medical tourists can make the most of their Dubai trip, spending the days before surgery taking in the sights and the days or weeks in recovery, enjoying the Dubai high life while staying at one of the city’s luxury hotels.


Liposuction Techniques

You and your doctor will need to agree on which liposuction technique best suits your requirements. The following are the liposuction surgery types cosmetic surgeons use:


1.  Traditional Liposuction

In traditional liposuction, the surgery proceeds as described above. Specifically, the metal cannula is moved back and forth to dislodge stubborn fatty deposits, and a high-pressure vacuum supplies the necessary force to suction the fat.


2.  Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is like traditional liposuction. However, before using the cannula to dislodge fat, the doctor first infuses the fatty tissue with a diluted anaesthetic solution. The diluted anaesthetic solution typically contains the following:

  • Lidocaine: a local anaesthetic for a less painful procedure
  • Epinephrine: a vasoconstrictor for bleeding reduction and to prolong the duration of the anaesthesia
  • Sodium bicarbonate: a salt that helps reduce the pain that accompanies the injection of an acidic anaesthetic solution
  • Normal saline: a solution made by combining water and sodium chloride at a 0.9% level of concentration


3.  Power-Assisted Liposuction

Power-assisted liposuction involves using a vibrating cannula; this way, the doctor won’t have to manually move the cannula in back-and-forth motions. A vibrating cannula makes dislodging and removing fat easier.


4.  Water-Assisted Liposuction

In water-assisted liposuction, the doctor directs a stream of pressurised saline solution onto the excess fat deposits. This stream of water dislodges the fat from the tissue, and the dislodged fat cells are then suctioned out as usual.


5.  Laser-Assisted Liposuction

Laser, which is short for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. In laser-assisted liposuction, laser energy is directed towards fatty deposits. This is what dissolves the fat, not the manual movements or vibrations of the steel cannula. The melted fat is suctioned out as usual.


6.  Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction works pretty much like laser-assisted liposuction. This time, however, the doctor uses a grooved wand to deliver ultrasound energy to break down the fat cells. The fat is then suctioned out.


7.  VASER Liposuction

VASER, which is short for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance, is a specific type of ultrasound-assisted liposuction. It’s an excellent technique for suctioning fat from fibro-fatty tissues and for large-volume abdominal fat removal. It may also be indicated for secondary and high-definition contouring liposuction.


Liposuction for Body Sculpting

Liposuction is a body-sculpting procedure you can undertake if you are within your body weight range but need to lose stubborn fat in certain areas of your body. It involves creating an incision, breaking down or dislodging fat cells, and vacuum-suctioning the fat through a hollow steel tube. 

Cosmetic surgeons use various liposuction techniques, including traditional, tumescent, power-assisted, water-assisted, laser-assisted, ultrasound-assisted, and VASER.