Exclusive Interview with Gareth Boyd, Co-Founder of Boyd Charters

01/30/2024 (LL): Could you start by telling us a bit about why you decided to start Boyd Charters?

Gareth Boyd (GB): Thank you for having me. My co-founder and I shared a vision to redefine and democratise private aviation, making it accessible to a wider audience. With my background as an entrepreneur, I spotted a clear gap in the market — domestic and international — that we a new, fresh service could fill and Boyd Charters was born.

LL: What sets Boyd Charters apart in the highly competitive private jet industry?

GB: Our focus is to provide the best bespoke service possible. We don't just charter private jets for our clients. We work with them to craft a personalized journey that exceeds their expectations. Clients have unique needs and preferences — last minute travel for business, taking their family skiing, and so on — and we go above and beyond to cater to these. Whether it’s a short hop from New York to Miami or taking the executive team London to Dubai, we ensure every aspect of the journey is top-notch.

LL: Sustainability is a significant topic today. How is Boyd Charters addressing this in your operations?

GB: Absolutely, sustainability is a priority for us as much as it is for our clients. By filling empty legs, we are reducing unnecessary flights, maximizing the efficiency of aircraft use, and minimizing additional emissions because these flights would operate regardless of occupancy. It’s a win-win all round.

LL: Can you share a memorable experience you provided for a client that epitomizes the Boyd Charters service?

GB: It’s not just a single experience that stands out. It’s working with other aviation enthusiasts, ordinary everyday people, who save up just to experience flying in a private jet. For some of them it’s a once in a lifetime event, so it’s thrilling to help them achieve their dream. It’s moments like these that really define what we do and keep us motivated for more.

LL: How do you see the future of private aviation, and what role will Boyd Charters play in it?

GB: Private aviation has gone through so much change and, from my vantage point, the future really is exciting. We anticipate demand for private charters to remain strong, with growth particularly strong in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

LL: For someone considering their first private jet experience, what advice would you give?

GB: One of the defining features of chartering is the choice and flexibility it affords. For someone who is new to it, there’s really no limit to what you can do. I’d think about what you want from the experience. Are you looking for privacy in a private jet terminal? Do you want to fly at a time that’s convenient to you and from an airport that’s close to where you are and want to be? Or does none of that really matter and you’re just looking for a luxurious experience to share with someone special? Maybe it’s all of the above?

LL: Finally, what are your plans for Boyd Charters?

GB: We want to improve our coverage of the globe and to offer more options in terms of aircraft that can be chartered. The goal is to be the preferred choice for luxury private air travel.

For more about Gareth Boyd and his businesses, visit his website.