Martin Pierce Reveals 8 Dog Themed Door Handles in Brand New Collection

06/28/2021 by

As an avid naturalist and dog lover, it came as no surprise to learn that Martin Pierce is now launching eight dog-themed door handles in a new collection. The collection is stylized and made with a keen eye for detail, that is captured in these substantial bronze works.

View the new dog door handle collection here.

Pierce makes no apology for the high price point of the collection, he states, "in creating a realistic and detailed portrait, that is the quintessence of the breed that dog lovers will value as canine art."

Apart from dog lovers, Pierce hopes that interior designers will also be able to utilize these innovative designs, especially when focusing on children's bedrooms, playrooms or bathrooms where whimsy can play a role. The audience of dog lovers and designers is where Pierce expects a large market to be for the collection.

When asked what the most challenging aspect of this collection was, he responded "in deciding which breeds to model the sculptures from and then trying to capture the detailed head shape, coat texture and facial expression of each in order to convey the character of each bread.  Using the artistic static medium bronze can only convey so much".

Martin Pierce is a family owned company based in Los Angeles, where the production facility is located. The owners, Anne and Martin Pierce, originally from England, relocated to southern California in 1980 where they started as furniture manufacturers. Finding there was a design void for cabinet hardware, they began making their own cabinet pulls and collections for furniture. Given the company's design aesthetic, the company focuses on unique and distinct designs for a niche market.