A new year always brings a new focus on health. It’s the perfect opportunity to start fresh and make sure that you are doing your best to look after your body and mind. Sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest difference. You don’t need to join an intense workout class or throw out the leftover Christmas chocolate. A walk outside and one less coffee per day can do wonders alone can do wonders for your mind, body and soul.
Whether you’re looking to get your diet sorted, quit smoking or reduce stress levels, there are lots of things to consider when it comes to improving your lifestyle in 2023 if you are considering making some healthy changes now there is a clean slate to work from.
Let’s take a look at some of the top health resolutions that you should keep in mind this year if you are keen to make some improvements and feel better throughout 2023, such as:
One of the most important things that many people forget when it comes to their health is their eyesight. It’s recommended that you get an eye test every two years, yet this is something that often gets forgotten about or pushed back. Make sure that your vision is in good health by getting booked in for an eye test.
We need to ensure we look after our eyes as we rely on them for everyday life. Make sure to prioritise a checkup if it’s been a while. Even if you don’t feel that you’ve had any major changes to your eyesight, your optometrist will be able to use their machines to check that all is well and advise if there have been any changes to your vision. They will also be able to advise how to best support any changes which may have occurred since your last test. It will then be up to you whether you decide to opt for glasses or contact lenses if you find you need visual support.
Caffeine can be great for providing us with an energy boost throughout the day, but too much can have a detrimental effect on our sleep patterns and mental well-being. If we overuse caffeine during the day, it can lead to feelings of anxiety and restlessness – which is not ideal when you’re looking to improve your health throughout 2023.
Initially it may be difficult to say no to a coffee to wake you up in the morning or to not opt for an energy drink in the afternoon to make it through to the end of the day, however, cutting down and then cutting out will work wonders for your mind and body and the positive changes can soon come into play when you start cutting down.
There are some tasty options available to choose from when you do look to change your habits up. For example, you could try switching from coffee or fizzy drinks to herbal teas such as green or fruit tea instead, which are tasty and much healthier alternatives. This way, you can still get a bit of energy without compromising your health and well-being, which will lead to feeling much better overall in the long run.
Being outdoors is great for our well-being – both mentally and physically. From helping reduce the impact of those who suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) to help you feel more relaxed, getting outside more can really help improve your overall mood and outlook on life. If you’re able to, try going for daily walks or adding outdoor activities into your routine, such as cycling or running.
If you find you get bored easily when exercising, simply shake up your surroundings and explore different routes to take so you can enjoy different scenery whilst you exercise. You could also get friends or family members to join in the activity with you, which will be more fun than going alone. Just make sure to stick to well mapped-out areas and that you stick to the beaten track in well-lit areas, especially if exercising at night.
As we enter into 2023, why not make it a goal of yours to improve upon your overall health? The above tips are just some small steps which will help ensure that this year is one where you feel healthier and happier than ever before – so what are you waiting for? Start planning out how you can implement these changes into your everyday life and watch as 2023 becomes one of the best and healthiest years yet. With regular eye tests, reduced caffeine intake, and more time outdoors - there's no reason not to commit yourself to a healthier lifestyle this year which can in turn become life-long habits. Good luck!