Salt & Straw Launches the Most Innovative Ice Cream Topping Ever

08/19/2022 by

This weekend, Salt & Straw, the Portland-based, family run ice cream company, is launching the most innovative ice cream topping in the industry, the Culinary Perfume™. To celebrate National Ice Cream Day on July 17, Salt & Straw is inviting customers to try their latest creation by offering a free complimentary spritz of Culinary Perfume at all 27 scoop shops today.

"We've been stuck on sprinkles and whipped cream for the past 100 years. This is a new frontier—trying to figure out how to personalize your ice cream that completely plays into your senses," said Tyler Malek, Co-Founder and Head Ice Cream Innovator at Salt & Straw.  "I'm fascinated with the fact that you can't actually smell ice cream and that seemed like too big of an opportunity to just let lie. As we've learned and tested ice cream flavors over the last 12 years, I have fallen in love with the way all of your senses interact with a food experience, and we are really excited for everyone to try it."

Research suggests that up to a staggering 80 percent of our eating experience is based on smell, and yet ice cream does not release a scent. The ingredients within the frozen treat might be fragrant but, at such low temperatures, the chemicals that would normally make our olfactory senses sing are essentially frozen in ice. As the ice cream melts on our tongue, these flavors are released, creating the magical tastes Salt & Straw has become famous for.

Enter Salt & Straw's new Culinary Perfume™, an edible fragrance created to spray directly onto ice cream to enhance the tasting experience by adding the crucial sensory element of smell. Salt & Straw's latest innovation encourages consumers to explore customization unlike ever before. With three editable scents and countless ice cream flavors, the possibilities of combinations are endless.

Salt & Straw's Culinary Perfume collection includes:

  • A Cloud of Cocoa: Like stepping into the back kitchen of your favorite old-world bakery. Rich and robust, combining a luxurious smoky warmth with malty cocoa.
  • A Plume of Blooms: Playful, yet enchantingly alluring. Honeysuckle and jasmine intertwine, evoking a euphoric spell of untamed blossoms in late spring.
  • A Swoon of Citrus: A bright invitation to sun-soaked days. Both intense and subtle, energizingly juicy, tart citrus is balanced by an herbal nuance.

Salt & Straw teamed up with Imaginary Authors, the Portland-based craft perfumer known for its wildly unique fragrances made to invigorate, intoxicate, and story-tell. Like Salt & Straw, Imaginary Authors works to push the boundaries of their craft, and together, the two innovative companies made the unbelievable happen with this multidimensional and sophisticated product that is both edible and wearable.

Salt & Straw's Culinary Perfume will be available beginning July 17 as a topping in all 27 scoop shops for $0.50. The perfume will also be available for purchase in a 65-milliliter bottle for $65.00 or a pack of three (one of each flavor) 10 milliliter bottles for $48.00 at