Sea Tutors - How Strength-Based Education Aligns with Top Educational Priorities for UHNW Families

02/19/2024 by

Sea Tutors, premium provider of yacht-based private tutors, revealed what ultra-high net worth (UHNW) parents prioritise when it comes to their children's education.

Sea Tutors, which was recognised as the "Best Specialist Private Tuition Company 2023 - UK" in Corporate Vision Magazine's Education and Training Awards, is renowned for providing a specialised private tuition service at sea, summarised the educational priorities of UHNW parents. The top five priorities are:

  1. Global Mobility and Flexibility: They prefer curricula that are internationally recognized and transferable, as their lifestyle often involves frequent relocations.
  2. Cultural Adaptation and Language Skills: Emphasis is placed on learning new languages and adapting to different cultural environments.
  3. Personalised Education: Tailored learning experiences that cater to individual interests and strengths are highly valued.
  4. University Preparation: There is a strong focus on preparing students for admission to prestigious universities.
  5. Holistic Development: Beyond academics, parents seek education that nurtures well-rounded development, encouraging sports, arts, hobbies and social skills.

Strength-based education to support these educational priorities

A strength-based education method is seen as more engaging and effective, moving away from the confines of conventional classroom learning.

Traditional education methods, which may not align with the modern world, can create a disconnect between the learner and the subject matter. In contrast, a strength-based approach fosters a strong, natural connection between the student and their studies, transforming learning into a lifelong journey that promotes personal growth and aligns with the student's aptitudes.

Education tailored to a child's strengths and interests not only prepares them for globalised living but also equips them for the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Therefore, a strength-based, personalised educational approach is deemed essential for equipping children with the skills and knowledge needed for contemporary and future challenges, making it an ideal choice for UHNW families.

The unique benefits of full-time private tutoring in supporting these priorities

More families every year are choosing to educate their children outside of the traditional classroom environment for a variety of different reasons, from special educational needs to family, work, and travel commitments.

Adam Caller, Founder of Sea Tutors, comments:

"Our clients travel extensively, because of their work or simply because they are in a privileged position to do so. Wealthy parents can afford to give their children unique learning experiences across the globe, and private tuition ensures education is consistent, uninterrupted by travel plans, while making the most of the opportunities travel and flexibility brings."

The personalised education that private tutoring offers ensures learning is adapted to a student's individual interests and strengths, allowing a deeper, more meaningful engagement with the subject. 

Private tutoring caters precisely to the educational expectations of UHNW families, offering a bespoke experience that supports their children's diverse and mobile lifestyles, while focusing on a strength-based method of education personalises the learning experience according to the child's unique interests and talents.