SEVENFRIDAY: " We do get involved where we can "

08/10/2023 by

Against a backdrop of climate change, Arnaud Duval, co-founder and designer of Swiss lifestyle brand SEVENFRIDAY, explains how the company is doing its (small) bit by encouraging the recycling of its accessories and by experimenting with the use of eco-responsible materials in the production of the FREE-D.  

Arnaud Duval: "When SEVENFRIDAY was created in 2011, we chose to produce only mechanical watches, which are inherently durable, as opposed to those battery-operated watches. Our models are delivered in wooden boxes that are often recycled by fans of the brand into everyday objects and from the outset we have preferred reusable canvas bags to the paper shopping bags. In keeping with the SEVENFRIDAY spirit, we also favour the use of organic materials and limit the use of plastic in the design of SEVENFRIDAY SPACES, our concept stores. 

As far as the production of our watches is concerned, SEVENFRIDAY is an independent niche brand and we are dependent on the manufacturing processes of our suppliers. But we do get involved where we can. For the launch of the FREE-D, for example, a futuristic 3D-printed model made in Switzerland, we initially envisaged manufacturing it in PA12. We finally opted for PA11, a castor oil-based polyamide that is 20% more expensive but has the advantage of being organic, sustainable and 100% recyclable. It may not be much on a global scale, but it's an important choice for us. As for the new products we will be launching at the end of the year, we are currently experimenting with new divers engraving techniques and the use of innovative ecological paints.