The Common Mistakes New Vapers Should Avoid


Vaping has become pretty mainstream today, particularly among people trying to quit traditional cigarettes, now that more and more find an alternative to smoking. At first, new vapers do face a few hitches that can either exacerbate their experience or make them give up and resume smoking. Being apprised of general mistakes would help new vapers have the best in vaping without adding unnecessary frustration. In this article, we will outline some common mistakes that new vapers tend to make and give a few tips on how one can avoid the same.

Picking the Wrong Nicotine Strength

One of the most important mistakes new vapers make is picking the wrong nicotine strength when it comes to their e-liquid. If the nicotine content in your e-liquid is too high, this could lead to harsh throat hits, headaches, or dizziness that might make the experience unpleasant. On the contrary, if the vape selects a nicotine level too low, then it will not be able to satisfy the nicotine cravings of the user. He will have to vape more or even shift back to smoking cigarettes. You must select a very similar type of nicotine strength to that you get from smoking. Beginners should try different levels to find a meaning that grants comfort and satisfaction.

Not Replacing Coils

Vape coils are part and parcel of the vaping experience in its entirety. New vapers seldom consider the routine maintenance that should be carried out on coils, especially the buildup of gunk from e-liquids that may ensue in burnt tastes or less vapor in its totality. If neglected every now and then, not cleaning or replacing them will result in a less-than-satisfactory experience. This means it is paramount to monitor the condition of your coil and replace it as soon as one feels a drop in flavor or vapor quality. The maintenance will keep your device running at an optimum level and save extra wear or tear.

Overfilling the Tank

Overfilling the vape tank is one of the most common issues that may eventually result in spills, gurgling sounds, and wasted e-liquid. New vapers tend to underestimate the amount that needs to be put into the tank or do not understand the fill line on the tank. What is important not to forget is that some space at the top of the tank must be allowed for air. In this way, it would be possible not to allow any leak and to secure the coil so as not to be clogged up with too much liquid in order for it to be able to function correctly. Taking your time to fill the tank carefully can save you from the frustration that comes with cleaning up spills and wasting e-liquid.

Chain Vaping

Most beginners tend to chain vape, which is the habit of just continuous puffing without allowing time for the coil to properly re-saturate with e-liquid. The results of chain vaping are dry hits, which are harsh and unpleasant puffs derived from the coil burning without sufficient liquid. Dry hits can burn the coil and make vaping a terrible experience. The best thing a vapor can do for themselves is pause a little between puffs, allowing the coil to saturate well again. Higher-resistance coils will also make dry hits less possible during longer vape sessions, or the watt adjustment on your device might be changed to a low setting.

Inadequate Water Intake

Vaping results in dehydration, and many new vapers do not notice it. E-liquids are made with ingredients that have the reputation of being notorious moisture absorbers, such as propylene glycol, which, in turn, leads to dry mouth and throat irritations and can also lead to dehydration. A lot of new vapers seem to forget that when one is vaping for a long period, they need to increase their water intake. Keeping hydrated will make it much more comfortable and enjoyable for you. Remember to have water regularly during your vaping session to counteract the drying effects of e-liquid and to keep yourself healthy overall.

Using the Wrong Device

The second mistake made by noobs is purchasing the wrong device for their needs. Many new vapers get themselves advanced devices boasting a load of features, which often ends up over-encumbering them and hard to work with. On the other hand, some new vapers may opt for a too simple device lacking power or functionality to give a satisfying experience. It will be important to choose a vape device that precisely meets your experience level and vape type. This would mean starting the newbies with a simple, easy-to-operate device that is highly recommendable since it offers an easier learning curve while giving quite a fulfilling vape.

Vaping is one of the best alternatives to smoking; however, the vape way usually presents a number of challenges for the beginner. Everything from choosing the wrong nicotine strength to not maintaining the coil can greatly affect the experience a person is supposed to have with vaping. New vapers will make for much more smooth and enjoyable transitions into vaping by being aware of these pitfalls and ways to avoid them. Patience and a detail-oriented mindset apply to everything new, and they will go a long way in ensuring that this hobby of vaping will be long-lasting and enjoyable.