Now that things are getting better post-pandemic, many of us are revamping our wardrobes. Whether you are going on vacation or attending occasions, adding a new accessory is worth a try and a designer handbag is one of the best investments you can make. Designer bags have evolved from their original technical function to become a fashion statement. If you are not sure which bag to buy, save your worries because we have got you covered. Here are five different types of designer bags that will carry you through the seasons and instantly elevate your look.
Classic bags are never an afterthought accessory. These silhouettes have survived the test of time and remain iconic to this day. It should come as no surprise that some of them have a higher resale value than the original purchase price, making them good investments. These works of art are well worth the money due to their attention to detail and quality. It can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends, but a classic handbag can completely transform your look. Classic bags such as Hermès' Birkin and Kelly, as well as Chanel's 2.55 and Classic Flap, are worth investing in. Other bags, such as the Gucci Jackie and Lady Dior, are beautiful alternatives because their designs are timeless and can be worn with any outfit.
If you have not heard, it was Gaston-Louis Vuitton who designed the first real bucket bag in the shape we know it today. Although the bucket bag has been improved throughout the years, its simple and attractive drawstring-based design will never go out of style. Moreover, this bag style is now available in a variety of sizes and materials while maintaining their unique design. When going on a vacation, bucket bags can store a lot of your essentials. Be it your sunglasses, cardholder, or jewellery, all can be included in this bag. Bucket bags from Prada and Bottega Veneta are two popular brands in high fashion world, with designs that compliment every outfit. The balloon bag by Loewe or the leather bucket bag by Mansur Gavriel are also excellent choices.
The sling bag has seen a comeback in recent years. They are known by a variety of names, including fanny packs and belt bags, and are worn over one shoulder rather than both. The sling bag is a convenient, functional, and elegant way to carry all your day-trip essentials. When it comes to ergonomics, sling bags have an advantage because the weight is distributed more evenly over your back when worn diagonally. Keep in mind there is a chance they will cause 'one-sided strain' if they are too hefty but you can avoid this simply by swapping sides. As a start, you can get yourself a Coach's signature sling bag or a Gucci waist bag to level up your everyday style. Prada’s cargo belt bag and YSL’s clutch belt bag would be ideal too if you adore this style.
Crossbody bags have always been fashionable. It is the one that everyone carries around. If you are the type who only carries essential items like a phone, keys, wallet, mask, hand gel and lipstick, then a crossbody bag should be your go-to companion. It is likely that once you have used a cross-body bag, you will never want to carry a bag in your hands or nestle a strap in the crook of your elbow again. On warmer days, true fashionistas would prefer Alexander McQueen's latest release, the Curve bag or Bottega Veneta's modern icon, the Cassette. If you like minimalist design, JW Anderson crossbody bag or Balenciaga's Hourglass are the two options available to choose from.
As opposed to the tiny purse that was trendy a few years ago, designer tote bags are now gaining popularity. These bags, especially those made of leather and canvas, can last for years if properly cared for. Tote bags have become increasingly famous because of their toughness and long-term endurance. With millions of uses, tote bags have made their way into every home. It has enough space to store everything you need for a day at work or when you are running errands. They are the best option for anybody looking for an all-rounder bag that can easily transition from a day bag to a travel bag. As we prepare for fall, the Dior book tote and Alexander Mcqueen's tall storey tote bag is just a few of the designers' tote bags to help you get through the day. Go for Miu Miu's logo print striped tote bag and Marc Jacobs' tie-dye tote bag if you like a pop of colour. Without a doubt, it will be one of the best buys you have ever made.