The Leading Causes Of Damage To Your Home


Homes can experience all kinds of wear and tear over the years, as any homeowner should know. In time, it’s simply a matter of course to fish out for the maintenance and repairs that can help you keep it in good condition. However, knowing the most frequent and common sources of damage can help you prepare, prevent, and mitigate as best as possible.

Fire damage

A fire is one of the more dramatic types of damage to the home, but it’s far from uncommon There are plenty of steps you can take to prevent it, however.. Start by checking smoke alarms regularly; ensuring you’re alerted at the first sign of trouble. Keep an eye on potential hazards like overloaded outlets or forgotten candles. And don't forget about the fire extinguisher – make sure it's readily accessible and everyone knows how to use it. A fire safety assessment of the home can help you better see potential risks you can fix, too, such as electrical faults.

Storm damage

The weather is to blame for a lot of potential damage to the home. During storms, debris and objects can get thrown into the home, which can dislodge roof tiles, break gutters, and even crack your windows. Having the number for a window replacement team is important if you live in an area that’s prone to storms. Make sure that you do what you can to prevent damage during storm season, such as keeping trees trimmed and moving outdoor furniture into the garage or shed.

Water damage

When you’re checking for storm damage, it’s important that you look at not just the most dramatic instances of breakages. You should keep an eye out for the signs of water damage, as well. Loosened flashings or missing tiles on the roof can lead to water damage, which becomes more expensive and difficult to deal with the longer it is left to linger.

Vandalism and theft

Unfortunately, any home can be targeted by someone. Whether it’s kids heedlessly causing damage for fun or someone breaking into the home, damage as a result of other people is not necessarily uncommon. You can help prevent it by ensuring better security for your home, such as CCTV cameras and improved lighting around the home.

Frozen pipes

Winter can be a tough time for many homes for a whole host of reasons, but perhaps the greatest risk of all is that of frozen pipes. These can burst if not dealt with, leading to excessive and expensive water damage. Insulating your pipes can help you prevent them from freezing but, if you can’t afford that just yet, occasionally running water through the pipes can prevent them from freezing, as well.

You can’t prevent all kinds of damage to the home, by any means. However, by being more aware of the causes of damage, you can ensure that you’re able to handle such situations much better. A vigilant homeowner is a lot more likely to save some money when these issues do happen.