Top 5 Boat Upgrades That Can Increase Your Overall Boating Experience


The quality of your boating experience depends on a number of factors, one of which is definitely the equipment you have on board. Each of these pieces of equipment can be bought or upgraded separately, and they should greatly contribute to your overall boating experience. 

Still, there are so many things you can improve, from installing a fishfinder to installing a grill mount. In this post, however, we’ll focus on some upgrades that are significantly more applicable. With that in mind, here are the top five boat upgrades that could increase your overall boating experience (alongside the value of the boat). 

1.  Great stereo system

A great stereo can drastically enhance the atmosphere on your boat. Just think about going for a walk or running on a treadmill. Does having the right soundtrack alter your experience in any way? Why would sailing be any different?

Sailing is not really about transportation. It’s not about that for a while, especially for people who do this on a tour or vacation on a boat. It’s about the experience, and having the right sound system can alter the experience like nothing else. 

Not only do they increase the resale value, but they also act as a selling point. Many people are buying boats to sail but also have the idea of hosting boat parties there. Having a good stereo system could be that extra bargaining chip they need to tilt your way. It’s relatively inexpensive to install (especially compared to other items on the list), but it boosts the value of the vessel quite drastically.

2.  Better upholstery

Remember what you actually got the boat for. If it’s leisure and vacationing, then investing in better upholstery will drastically improve your comfort. Getting furniture in a conventional sense is not really an option because of the motion of the boat. So, the biggest upgrade you can make, in this regard, is to replace the upholstery.

This way, you’ll get higher-quality cushioning and better support. This matters because, on a boat, you’ll spend more time sitting than you expect. Moreover, it’s not just for you, it’s for yoru guests, as well. 

Also, keep in mind that, while most of the upholstery is indoor, you need to understand that dirt and moisture get everywhere, which is why you need to look at materials that are great for maritime setting. You need something waterproof, mildew-proof, and easy to clean.

You're not aiming for a superyacht grade, but you still want it to be beautiful and luxurious.

Even if the water doesn’t get inside, you’ll walk in muddy and wet, splashing it everywhere in the process. Also, there’s more dirt flying around at sea than you think. 

3.  Boat lift

Now, if you want to be really pedantic about it, a boat lift is not a part of the boat or an upgrade of the boat, but it is a piece of boating equipment, and it will drastically increase your overall boating experience.

These boat lifts come in different shapes and sizes and operate on different principles. For the smallest of boats, you have manual lifters; however, you’re more likely to encounter their more expensive counterpart in terms of electrical or hydraulic lifts.

These help prolong the life of your boat by allowing you to store it out of the water (where it’s safe from algae, barnacles, and rust damage). Getting the boat out of the water is also important for its maintenance. No matter if you just want to apply anti-corrosive paint or replace/inspect a propeller, you have to get the boat out of water.

Just remember that you need the right lift for the right boat. So, do your research before making a purchase.  

4.  Solar panels

This investment is less common and less expensive than you would expect. First of all, it’s a long-term investment that’s bound to pay off. You have so many electronics on your boat, and turning the boat into a more sustainable unit will help you stay off the grid for longer (if you choose to do so). 

At the same time, having solar panels doesn’t mean you have no other power source. Having the main (renewable) source of power and a backup generator will increase the resilience of your boat and prepare you for some of the most dangerous situations on the open seas. You also get to expand the life of your battery drastically. 

One hidden perk of solar panels is that they’re actually quieter than any other source of power, unlike generators. They’re also eco-friendlier, which is a major concern in modern day and age. As a boat owner, you’re already spending more gas than a regular person. This way, you can negate at least a bit of this.

5.  Marine Wi-Fi and connectivity

When you’re making a choice of getting marine Wi-Fi on your boat, you need to be fully aware of just how important this is in the modern day and age and how it can enhance your overall boating experience. 

First of all, you get an internet access. Sure, having a stereo is great, but what are you going to play on it? The same prerecorded songs over and over again. Why not play anything from Spotify or YouTube? Why not play an audiobook or an episode of your favorite podcast? 

Also, this ensures that you always have contact with the shore. Sure, a boat should have this by default, but the internet connection gives you even more options. It’s the same with navigation - you need to have offline navigation either way, but having the internet always upgrades your experience. 

Lastly, smart appliances and smart home features are not available just in homes. They’re also present in domiciles and on boats. 

Wrap up

You could do without each of these, but the truth is that every one of these upgrades significantly contributes to the quality of life on the boat. They can enhance your experience, improve your comfort, or give you an extra power source to boost your self-reliance. Regardless of which of these improvements you pick, you always end up with more value.