Understanding Furnace Maintenance: Maximizing Efficiency


If you're like most people, you probably don't realize just how much you depend on your home's heating system when it's cold outside. Most simply take for granted that their furnace is going to keep their home warm and comfortable. Unfortunately, though, many people find that their furnaces start to give them trouble over time, and they cost increasingly more to operate. Furnaces often break down more as they age too. All that can lead to a great deal of unnecessary hassle and expense. 

You don't have to watch helplessly as your furnace goes downhill, though. Routine maintenance for your furnace is beneficial for several reasons. Take a look at some of the advantages you can enjoy by taking care of your heating system. 

Improved Efficiency

One of the main benefits of furnace maintenance is improved efficiency. Heating systems generally lose about 10 percent of their efficiency per year. That's why they don't work quite as well after a few years as they did in the beginning.

This loss of efficiency comes from a few factors. One is normal wear and tear. The more you use your furnace, the more its parts are going to wear out. Additionally, dirt, dust, and other debris accumulate in furnaces over time. That can certainly detract from their effectiveness. During routine maintenance, HVAC technicians will clean your heating unit, lubricate moving parts, tighten electrical connections, check fuel lines, and take other measures to ensure your furnace is working as effectively and efficiently as possible. 

Preventing Breakdowns

Maintenance helps to prevent furnace breakdowns as well. Since technicians check for damaged parts and other issues during routine maintenance, they can catch small problems before they cause malfunctions. That, in turn, ensures your furnace is ready to go to work when you need it. It also reduces the risk of your furnace malfunctioning at the worst possible times, like on weekends, holidays, and the coldest days of the year. 

Reducing Operating and Repair Costs

By reducing breakdowns, maintenance can prevent costly repairs. Taking care of your furnace also reduces the cost of keeping your home warm and comfortable. It maximizes efficiency, which means the furnace will use less energy and fuel when it's running. Your furnace won't have to run as much to regulate the temperature in your home, either. That'll reflect in your monthly utility bills and save you a lot of money over the long term. Maintenance will make your furnace last longer as well, so you won't have to invest in a new one quite as frequently. 

Beyond Routine Maintenance

Professional maintenance is the key to keeping your furnace operating at peak efficiency, but there are also measures you can take to ensure it works properly. Changing the filters every 90 days is important. It'll keep air flowing freely to your heating system, so it'll work better. Clean filters can also improve your indoor air quality. Additionally, be sure nothing is blocking your vents. Blocked vents detract from a furnace's effectiveness and efficiency, and they can cause it to wear out before it should. Scheduling air duct cleaning when needed is also essential. 

Doing Your Part to Maximize Furnace Efficiency

Your furnace works hard to take care of you when it's cold outside, so it's important to do your part to take care of it. Scheduling routine maintenance at least once a year, preferably before cold weather sets in, is one of the most effective steps you can take. Changing your air filters, keeping vents clear, and having the ductwork cleaned every three years or so will make a significant difference as well. All these measures will keep your furnace operating efficiently and effectively for as long as possible.