Viagra and Sports Nutrition


The use of Viagra in sports started to be actively discussed when the drug Viagra, which was disguised and passed off as vitamins, was found in possession of American star Roger Clemens. In addition, cyclist Andrea Molleta was removed from the Giro d'Italia after Viagra and syringes were found in his car. After these cases, the question of banning Viagra before the Beijing Olympics was raised. WADA, the anti-doping organization, is currently investigating the effects of Viagra on athletic performance.

What is VIAGRA?

VIAGRA is a drug, the action of which is aimed at treating erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It helps to achieve an erection and also helps to retain it during sexual excitement. --Nowadays, you can buy viagra online without a prescription on Numan.--

When using the drug, nitric oxide is released in the cavernous body, as a result of which the man's muscles relax and blood flow increases. 

The active ingredient in the drug is sildenafil.

VIAGRA in bodybuilding

In recent years, Viagra has become used by athletes who are engaged in strength sports. It is used to dilate blood vessels. There is a perception that Viagra belongs to the group of nitrogen donators, although in reality, it is not so. 

This drug helps to reduce blood pressure, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, effectively improves blood flow, and at the same time causes a minimum of adverse reactions. The disadvantages of this drug can be attributed to the high cost. To purchase the product, follow

Pumping Sports Supplements

The action of all pumping sports supplements is aimed at expanding the skeletal muscles. This contributes to the acceleration of blood flow and also affects the improvement of nutrient transport and oxygen supply to the muscles. These processes lead to a muscle enlargement effect called "pharmacological pumping". Pumping is required by athletes for cosmetic purposes to achieve muscle definition before a performance or photo shoot.

What sports supplements help promote pumping?

Nitric Oxide (NO) is a hormone that is produced by the cells of the inner wall (endothelium) of blood vessels. It promotes relaxation and dilation of the smooth muscles of blood vessels and regulates blood pressure. It acts to prevent the formation of blood clots. It is involved in the immune, nervous and reproductive systems. Medical research has proven that nitric oxide plays an important role in erectile function. It causes the effect of the relaxation of the trabecular muscle of the cavernous body, which leads to an erection of the penis.

Arginine is a conditionally substitutable amino acid that enters the human body during food intake. It is found in proteins, including protamines. It has the effect of accelerating the synthesis of growth hormones and other hormones. Is a nitrogen donor. Helps improve erectile function. Dilates blood vessels by increasing the amount of NO.

Citrulline is an amino acid that influences the better absorption of arginine. 

Testosterone Boosting Sports Supplements

Testosterone - is the main sex hormone in the male body, which contributes to an increase in muscle mass, as well as improving libido. In addition, this hormone acts to increase physical strength and energy. It is important in the formation of bone tissue, improves hair growth, and provides a positive psycho-emotional attitude. With age, testosterone production declines, which can lead to health problems.

Testosterone supplements are the most effective means to increase potency. 

What supplements help increase testosterone production?

Tribulus - is an herbal remedy that is used in the field of bodybuilding as a testosterone booster. It stimulates the activity of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland for the production of luteinizing hormone.  The active ingredient is protodioscin.  Is a natural anabolic.

Leuze extract - an effect on improving blood flow to the muscles and brain, increasing the force of contraction of the muscles and the brain. Increases sexual activity in men.

ZMA - a complex of substances such as zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Consumption of this combination leads to the production of testosterone and affects an increase in strength performance.

Beta-Ecdysterone - promotes an increase in testosterone levels, protein synthesis, and amino acids in the human cytoplasm. Increases muscle anabolism. Blocks the production of cortisol.

Yohimbine is a natural component that enhances libido and is a stimulant of the central nervous system. It is a natural antioxidant. Stimulates blood flow and leads to normalization of blood pressure.


Many drugs help to achieve "pharmacological pumping" and lead to the production of testosterone. The most popular drug for improving erectile function is Viagra. Few people know that many other drugs are just as effective in improving libido. These drugs include arginine, nitric oxide, Tribulus, Leuze extract, and others.