Ways Dolce & Gabbana Benefit the LGBTQ+ Community


Dolce & Gabbana have gained a large following of LGBTQ+ fashion enthusiasts. You might be wondering why. However, the owners themselves prefer the company of men. As men who can sympathize with this community, it is no surprise that they have done a lot to benefit LGBTQ+ people through the company. Here are just some of their best contributions to this community. 

Dolce & Gabbana Advocate for Gay Equality

Several years ago, Stefano Gabbana said, "Don't call me gay." At first glance, this might seem like a stab in the back to those who fit with the LGBTQ+ community. However, that is not the case. Instead of spewing homophobic statements, he was insinuating that he is just a man and that all people are equal without labels. This mindset can hopefully become widely accepted because it is necessary for true gay equality. 

Support LGBTQ+ Youth

Dolce & Gabbana are also taking a very active method for supporting young people who identify as LGBTQ+. They have recently begun our best efforts to support the next generation of talent. Specifically, they have offered a scholarship for the LGBTQ+ community. They are making this scholarship possible by teaming up with the Point Foundation. Scholarships like this are a significant benefit to the LGBTQ+ community. 

Offer Fashionable Gender Non-Conforming Clothing

At Dolce & Gabbana, they strive to offer clothes that are gender-non-conforming. If you are a man who enjoys leggings, you will find what you are looking for in our shops. If you are a woman who prefers baggy T-shirts, you will be more than thrilled with what we offer. Some of theu clothing is listed in men's and women's options. The LGBTQ+ community will be delighted knowing that they can find a store that doesn't try to make them conform to traditional beauty standards. 

Where do they get these ideas? A lot of their inspiration comes from the people. The #DG Family is a project that collects family portraits. Then, their designers take inspiration from families to provide people with what they want. Family portraits of all kinds are accepted. Submitting your LGBTQ+ family portrait is a great way to help benefit the gay community even more. Then, D&G can use this outside information to inspire designs, like with the same-sex family purse line. 

Embolden the Gay Community

Again, Gabbana is emboldening the gay community with his futuristic ideas by stating that the LGBTQ+ community doesn't need to promote their rights or hide behind labels. Saying these individuals haven't done anything wrong has encouraged the gay community to act as though they are just people living their lives.