What Female Dryness Says about Your Health


As a female, there are certain cues we can look to for ensuring that your health is top-notch. 

One of those signs is how dry your vaginal area is becoming. In fact, vaginal dryness is something that many women experience, with a range of women getting this symptom for a variety of reasons. 

And not only does vaginal dryness happen for a variety of reasons but it impacts each woman differently. Some only have this problem during intimacy. While others experience irritation and even pain on a daily basis. 

Regardless of why you have it, vaginal dryness is simply horrible to have to deal with and near impossible to ignore. Plus, many women feel embarrassed by this health issue and shy away from even talking to a doctor about it. 

However, if you are suffering from female dryness, then it is something you should certainly pay attention to and talk to your doctor about as soon as possible. Normally there is a range of solutions, including home remedies for dryness, that you can implement to solve the problem. 

So what does female dryness actually say about your health? Well, a lot actually! 

Here are some things that you should take note of if you feel like female dryness is affecting you and your wellbeing.

Your Sexual Activity Has Changed

If you are all of a sudden experiencing female dryness after you have started becoming sexually active (whether for the first time or after a bit of a break), then it is not unusual to experience vaginal dryness, especially urinary tract infections where it can be quite painful to go to the bathroom. But you should not let that stop you from having fun with a sexual partner. Instead, we recommend talking to your doctor about your symptoms, changing your hydration levels and even types of extra lubrication so that your vaginal area can heal. Of course, you should also talk to your new sexual partner about this too so they can be aware of your sensitivity and help ensure you have a good time during intimacy too.

You Are Experiencing Menopause

Many women who reach their fifties and beyond start to experience vaginal dryness. This is actually one of the most common age groups for this to happen and is a result of menopause. When menopause occurs, the vaginal wall naturally things, dries out and can become inflamed. So if this is happening to you, it is nothing to be too embarrassed about as studies show that an estimated fifty per cent of women in their fifties experience vaginal dryness as a result of menopause.

You are Low on Estrogen Levels

Another reason that you may be experiencing female dryness is a result of decreasing estrogen levels. When you don’t have enough estrogen levels in your body, then your vaginal area becomes much more delicate. If this is the case, it is highly advisable to seek medical help as this reason requires help through a range of treatments for it to get better.

Your Diet May Be Causing Dryness

Another factor that plays a role in female dryness is our nutrition and hydration levels. In general, you should be trying to eat a well-balanced diet that is full of all the vitamins and minerals needed for optimal health. But if your body becomes deficient in Omega 3, vitamin A and even vitamin E. Some simple dietary changes you can make include ensuring you are drinking plenty of water each day so that your urine is a clear color and eating a proper amount of fruits and vegetables in each meal. You can also talk to your nutritionist or doctor about taking vitamin health supplements as well.

What to Do if You have Female Dryness 

So regardless of the reason as to why you are experiencing vaginal dryness, the good news is that there are successful treatments to help with whatever the cause may be. From premium creams designed to soothe that whole area to prescriptions from doctors that act as an antibiotic, there is plenty that you can do to no longer have to suffer through this uncomfortable situation.

 Addressing issues like female dryness can sometimes require deeper insights, and tools like the Evvy AV test can help identify potential underlying causes.

The good news is too that you do not have to stop doing things in life that give you pleasure, such as sex. In fact, some studies are even showing that having more sex with your partner can actually help stimulate your body to get rid of the dryness faster than if you abstained from having it for longer. Less frequent sex can actually cause that is to become less elastic and be even more sensitive the next time you give it a go.