Winter Pool Care: Tips for Keeping Your Pool Clean and Maintained


When the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, put away their bath suits and forget about their backyard pool until the arrival of warmer months. Properly preparing and maintaining your pool during the colder months can help ensure it's in great shape when it's time to reopen in the spring. In this post, we'll cover some essential pool cleaning and maintenance tips to keep in mind for the winter season.

Draining and Covering the Pool

Draining the pool water to the right level is one of the initial tasks during the winter. This helps prevent damage from ice buildup and cracking. The ideal water level will depend on the type of pool cover you plan to use. For an in-ground pool, you'll typically want to drain the water to 6-12 inches below the skimmer openings. The water level should be a few inches below the pool's return jets for an above-ground pool. 

Once the water is at the right level, it's time to install your pool cover. Look for a high-quality safety cover designed for winter use. These covers are made of heavy-duty mesh or solid materials and provide a secure barrier to keep out leaves, debris, and small animals. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when putting the cover on. Properly securing the cover will help prevent damage and unwanted openings that could allow water to get in.

Turn off Your Pool Equipment

Next, you'll need to winterise your pool equipment, including the pool pump, filter, and heater. Start by disconnecting and removing any hoses, then drain all the water from the system. For the filter, you may need to open up the valve to let the water out completely. 

Once the water is drained, you can add pool antifreeze to the pump housing, filter, and any other areas that may still have residual water. This helps prevent cracking and other damage from freezing temperatures. Don't forget to also remove and store the pool's ladder, handrails, and any other removable accessories.

Maintaining the Pool Throughout Winter

Even with your pool covered and your equipment winterised, you'll still need to perform some basic maintenance tasks throughout the winter months. This includes:

  • Checking the pool cover regularly - Make sure the cover is still securely in place and tightened as needed. Remove any large debris that accumulates on top of the cover.
  • Balancing the water chemistry - While the pool is closed, you'll still want to test the water and add chemicals as necessary to maintain proper pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels. This helps prevent algae growth and staining.
  • Running the pool pump periodically - Depending on your climate, you may need to run the pool pump for a few hours every week or two to circulate the water and prevent it from becoming stagnant.
  • Removing snow and ice buildup - After heavy snowfall, use a pool cover pump or syphon to remove excess water and snow from the top of the cover. This prevents the weight from damaging the cover or your pool's structure.

Additional Winterising Tips

Here are a few more tips to keep in mind when winterising your pool:

  • Consider a pool cover pump - Investing in an automatic pool cover pump can make it much easier to remove water and snow from the cover throughout the winter. These compact, energy-efficient pumps will turn on and off as needed to keep the cover clear.
  • Insulate exposed pipes - Any pipes or equipment that will be exposed to the elements should be properly insulated to prevent freezing. Wrap the pipes in foam insulation or heat tape.
  • Schedule a professional inspection - Before closing your pool for the winter, have a professional pool technician come out to do a full inspection. They can identify any potential issues and ensure your pool is properly winterized and ready for the off-season.
  • Consider a pool heat pump - If you live in a milder climate, you may be able to keep your pool running with a heat pump system. This can allow you to enjoy the pool for a longer season.

Concluding Thoughts

By staying on top of these winterising and maintenance tasks, you can help ensure your pool is ready for the next season. Of course, the specific steps may vary depending on your pool type, location, and other factors. Consult your pool professional if you have any questions or concerns.