Your Robotic Vacuum Can Clean Even Better (But You Need to Do These Things)


Robot vacuum cleaners are undeniably convenient. These little helpers can autonomously clean your floors, carpets, and other parts of your house thanks to their smart navigation. However, they're not entirely hands-free. Without regular maintenance, cleaning, and care, they can't perform their duties effectively. 

If you are planning to get a robotic vacuum cleaner, it’s crucial to prepare your home before using it by removing potential obstacles and physical hazards like cords, socks, and curtains from the floor for seamless and trouble-free cleaning. In this article, we'll provide you with some best practices for using a robotic vacuum cleaner.

  • Get rid of cords and other household obstacles 

Robot vacuums face various challenges, including pet messes, misplaced socks, and the most significant threats–electrical cords and household wiring. These cables can tangle the robot's brushes and wheels, requiring manual untangling. To avoid this, it's a good idea to tidy up cord messes before your robot vacuum starts. 

  • Keep the sensors clean 

Robot vacuums rely on various electronic sensors to navigate your home effectively. As time passes, these sensors can get dirty, hampering the robot's ability to understand its surroundings. To maintain optimal performance, it's essential to regularly clean both the external body and the sensor system of your robot vacuum. You can use a slightly damp microfiber cloth for this task, but it's advisable to check your robot's manual for the manufacturer's recommended cleaning method.

  • Empty the vacuum’s dustbin often 

Many robot vacuums have a small dust container that you should empty after each cleaning run. Neglecting this task can lead to clogs, reducing the vacuum's cleaning effectiveness. Even advanced robots with self-emptying bins can experience clogs, so regardless of your vacuum's features, it's essential to regularly check and clean its dirt-handling system to avoid unexpected issues.

  • Find a suitable place for the charging dock 

A crucial factor for your robot vacuum's efficient cleaning is considering its placement. Most manufacturers recommend positioning the dock against a wall. Ideally, this area should have the same type of flooring rather than a mix of bare floor and carpet. Additionally, the room where the dock is situated should allow access to the rest of your home, unless you prefer having only one exceptionally clean room.

Take Away

Robot vacuums are a valuable addition to your daily cleaning routine. They offer convenience and ease. If you are planning to buy a robotic vacuum cleaner, check out Eureka Forbes robotic vacuum that comes with powerful suction, dual cleaning technology, and multi-surface cleaning. You must also check out Forbes Robo Vac n Mop Vacuum Cleaner which comes with a powerful suction and can sweep the minute dirt and dust particles and mop wet spills effectively. This powerful robot also comes with advanced UV sanitization that provides you with a home that is free of germs and viruses.