
19 Results

12/08/2018 - 12/16/2018

Prepare your visit to the Nautic Paris Boat Show and join us for a brilliant boating experience!

Nautic Paris Boat Show
Porte de Versailles Paris, Ile-de-France

10/19/2017 - 10/22/2017

The meeting place of artistic creation, course of external works, Outdoor sculptures and installations, Performances, artist films, Conferences / Performances, artists' film Conferences.

FIAC - Paris
Avenue Winston Churchill Paris, Ile-de-France 75008


Run, Walk, Taste, as the Grape Gallop is held at the picturesque Alba Vineyard. Participate in the race, and taste the fine award-winning wines.

Grape Gallop
Alba Vineyard & Winery
269 Riegelsville Warren Glen Road Milford, New Jersey 08848
United States

10/18/2018 - 10/21/2018

FIAC showcases an unrivalled artistic parcours in free access, offering artists a unique occasion to dialogue with Paris’ heritage.

Foire Internationale D'Art Contemporain
Avenue Winston Churchill Paris, Ile-de-France

09/08/2017 - 09/11/2017

A redefined collection of fashion accessories focuses around a creative heart, which showcases all types of fashion accessories from every culture and sector. This epicentre is surrounded by the leading brands of shoes, jewellery, and leather goods.

Premiere Classe Trade Show - Summer Edition
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
1 Place de la Porte de Versailles Paris, Ile-de-France 75015

10/31/2018 - 11/04/2018

The Salon du Chocolat in Paris is the world’s largest event dedicated to chocolate, a true trend-setter dedicated to the profession and the must-see event for all chocolate lovers.

Salon Du Chocolat
PORTE DE VERSAILLES Paris, Ile-de-France

11/27/2018 - 11/29/2018

Weyou's mission is to support its customers in the development of their customers, their business, their image, through our trade shows but also our trade shows and our digital solutions.

Séminaire Expo
Porte de Versailles
Pavillion 4 Paris, Ile-de-France


Paris Photo Los Angeles is the US edition of the world’s most celebrated art fair for works created in the photographic medium. The Fair is held annually each spring at Paramount Pictures Studios.

Paris Photo
Grand Palais
Avenue Winston Churchill Paris, Ile-de-France 75008

+33 (1) 4756-6469

04/13/2018 - 04/15/2018

One of the most esteemed archive conservation institutes in Europe, the Institut Mémoires de l’Édition Contemporaine preserves and showcases an exceptional collection dedicated to the history of thought and contemporary arts.

International Rare Book, & Fine Art Grand Palais - Paris
Grand Palais - RMN (Officiel)
3 avenue du Général Eisenhower Paris, Ile-de-France 75008

07/18/2018 - 07/19/2018

Go to Paris for the fashion week of automotive design. Find exceptional concept cars never seen in France!

Exposition Concept Cars
Hôtel national des Invalides Paris, Ile-de-France 75007