ArtPrize 2024 to Showcase Renowned Z-Car

07/25/2024 by

ArtPrize, the international art competition and cultural event held annually in Grand Rapids, Michigan, returns September 13–28, 2024. And one of the major attractions certain to delight and inspire visitors will be Z-Car I, a stunning prototype created by legendary architect and designer Zaha Hadid that's a masterpiece of futuristic form and thinking. As part of the permanent collection of the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University (MSU Broad Art Museum), Z-Car I will be on loan and displayed during ArtPrize at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum. Anyone planning to attend this year's event will want to make this a featured stop on their itinerary.

A Blend of Artistry and Innovation

Regarded as one of the most important architects of her generation, Zaha Hadid designed the iconic MSU Broad Art Museum itself, and the museum is home to the largest collection of work by her design studio, Zaha Hadid Design, in North America. "The MSU Broad Art Museum's collection of work by Zaha Hadid Design is one of the many gems that make up the rich cultural and artistic landscape in Michigan," comments Rachel Winter, Assistant Curator at the MSU Broad Art Museum. "It's very exciting to be able to share one part of that collection, Z-Car I, with the many visitors from around the world who will visit ArtPrize this September. Although Z-Car I was designed nearly twenty years ago, its innovative design prompts us to think about important questions of our time around climate-friendly design for a better lived experience." In its own way, Z-Car I reflects the visually striking form and deep attention to user experience that Hadid is known for. Tailored to be emission free and meet the needs of urban life, the streamlined, three-wheel car with seating for two is made of lightweight carbon fiber composite. The passenger pod moves up and down on a hinged rear suspension, allowing for optimal navigation and a smaller footprint during city driving and a lower, safer, more aerodynamic form at higher speeds.

ArtPrize Expands into the Design Space

The Z-Car I is not a formal ArtPrize entry and will not be eligible for any awards. Rather, it's a showcase piece that will excite visitors while existing among the ArtPrize entries exhibited at the Gerald R. Ford Museum. "We are thrilled to host Zaha Hadid's visionary Z-Car I, a masterpiece of design and innovation," says Brooke Clement, director of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum. "It's an honor to showcase such a remarkable work that melds art, technology, and functionality."

The car also highlights a compelling new category of entries featured at ArtPrize 2024: +Design. Entries within the +Design category are physical expressions of purpose with the intent to impact the way life is experienced. And just like with the other categories, +Design works are eligible for both public vote and juried awards.

To learn more about this year's event and stay up to date on other showcases and attractions, visit

The Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University (MSU Broad Art Museum) connects people with art through experiences that inspire curiosity and inquiry. Presenting exhibitions and programs that engage diverse communities around issues of local relevance and global significance, the MSU Broad Art Museum advances the university values of quality, inclusion, and connectivity. Opened on November 10, 2012, the museum was designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Zaha Hadid and named in honor of Eli and Edythe Broad, longtime supporters of the university who provided the lead gift for its creation. For more information, visit